"Wow. Can't say I've ever seen a cake like that before," Fischer stated. 

"Looks like a bit of sponge and pich. And there's no good in just staring at it. Dig in everyone!" Quin chirped. 

Everyone took a slice of cake and began to feast. 

"Oh wow. This tastes incredible!" Fischer exclaimed, scoffing down the spongy cake. 

"Yea, it definitely doesn't disappoint. You sure know how to pick 'em," Quin replied, motioning to Kori who gave a cheeky smile.

"What about you Ko? What do you think?" Trikka asked. 

But instead of getting a happy reply, the zapher was staring blankly at the cake with a small piece on her fork.

Fischer's brow lowered slightly. "Ko?"

Her chest was visibly rising and falling and she was breathing very heavily. She wearily looked over at Fischer before letting out a slight moan and suddenly collapsing, falling off of her chair and tumbling on the ground. 

"Oh my god! Ko!" Quin cried as she and Fischer jumped off of their chairs and kneeled down next to her. 

Several gasps came from surrounding tables as carcans and other races Fischer wasn't acquainted with gazed on in confusion. 

"She's unconscious again. Probably having another glimpse. We need to get her home, quickly." He exclaimed.

Quin gave a short series of quick nods while she ran her fingers over Ko's forehead. She noticed a slight gash above her left eye, right where she'd impacted the table as she fell. 

"That looks pretty nasty as well," she grimaced.  

The yellow waiter from before suddenly came rushing out from inside after hearing the commotion. "Good lord! What happened here?" 

"Oh she fell off her chain, she's had a lot of sleepless nights lately and is just really tired right now. We'll get her home quickly, thanks though. Sorry about all the noise," Kori explained with an award winning grin.

The waiter didn't seem to share his enthusiasm. "Right. . ." he doubted, nodding his head. "Well if you need anything, be sure to let us know alright?"

Kori gave him a sharp nod and he reluctantly walked back inside. 

"Alright, party's postponed for now. Lets get out of here. We're getting a lot of unwanted attention right now."


Ko's eyes slowly forced themselves open. She blinked wearily a few times before coming to her senses. Before she could look around and take in her surroundings, she felt something soft on the back of her head. Realising she was actually lying down, she looked up and saw a familiar face staring back down at her.

"Heya. Wakey wakey," Fischer whispered as he stroked her head gently. She blinked in confusion before slowly sitting up with Fischer's help. Closing her eyes tightly, she held her hands up against her throbbing forehead.

"It happened again didn't it?" She asked sheepishly.

"I'm afraid so." Quin replied as she took a seat next to them on the couch. 

Ko looked around for a bit. They were back in the house, sitting on the main couch in the middle of the living room. The holographic television was on and seemed to be playing some sort of news program. It was dark outside, the house flooded with the interior glowing walls and pale blue lights.

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