Chapter Seven

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Darcy was having a hard time looking past the poster's garish color choices and overuse of bubble writing as she stood glaring at it. She was in a nook across from the door to her English class, waiting for the second bell to ring.

A few weeks in and Darcy had mastered the art of avoiding the crushing crowds. She had nooks and crannies all over the school, all conveniently located near her classes where she could hide out until the second bell rang and then saunter through blissfully empty hallways into her classes, not even a minute late.

But this nook, her personal favorite, had been graffiti-ed, defaced, marked for attention. The offending poster, Darcy finally realized, was announcing this year's theme for the junior and senior prom.

'A Sadie Hawkins Dance', the bright pink bubble letters read.

The sign had been hand done, clearly the work of some hardworking member of the dance committee. Had these people never heard of a graphic designer before? Or printed posters? Meriton Charter was still living in Cave Man times when it came to their school activities, apparently.

Darcy scoffed, the offending colors darkening her already dark mood. A flash came from behind her and Darcy's hair flicked her cheeks as she turned, her glare moving from one offending object to another.

If it was Eli's camera that had made the flash, had taken the picture, it didn't so much as swing across his chest, where it lay innocent of invading her privacy. But since the halls were quickly emptying as students rushed to class, there was no one else who could have taken the picture.

Darcy's glare deepened and she turned back to the poster.

"Offensive, isn't it?"

Darcy could hear the humor in Eli's voice. She was shocked he was speaking to her after their confrontation at her house only the night before, but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of spotting her shock on her face.

"I mean, how dare they? A time-honored tradition? A staple in the high school experience? And now, of all things, they have to go and level the power balance between the sexes. It's disgusting if you ask me."

Darcy dared a glance his way. He was smirking, enjoying himself.

"I take it you'll be attending this so-called 'rite of passage'?"

Eli shrugged. "If I get asked. And you?"

"I already filled my requirement for high school dances."

"Yes. Because you can only attend one. God forbid that you participate in school functions and activities. You wouldn't want it getting out that you actually attend this school, now would you?"

Darcy looked around to gauge her timing. She had maybe thirty seconds. As she went to move, she found Eli blocking her way.

"Tell me, Darcy, besides myself and Jamie, who else do you know here?"

Darcy refused to answer. Eli's smirk deepened.

"I mean, as a possible representative of this fine establishment at our forthcoming graduation, you must know some people, interact with some of your peers. But wait, no, it's just about grades to you, isn't it? It's not about becoming a part of the community. Why would it? It's just the salutatorian position. What does it matter if the salutatorian doesn't even know anyone."

"I know Gina."

Darcy felt her own smirk spread at the dark look that passed over Eli's expression. She saw her chance and took it, pushing past him to get to class. Unfortunately, they shared this period and so he followed her inside.

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