"I told you she would."

That wasn't Adrien. Chloe could tell right away. She had only met him a handful of times before, but she knew who it was. "Felix," she said, with no emotion in her voice.

He smiled, clearly amused. "Surprised you remembered me."

"It's hard to forget the person who impersonated one of your friends and tried to ruin them," Chloe retorted.

"But you're not friends with Adrien anymore, are you?" Lila gave a sly little grin of her own. Of course, she knew.

"No. His friendship meant nothing to me." That was a flat-out lie, of course, but Chloe needed to act tough in front of these people. If she didn't...they could use her weaknesses against her. And knowing them, they most certainly would. "Now what do you two want? Working together or something?"

Lila and Felix smiled at each other. Yes, they definitely were. And that was a bad thing.

"I think we have something in common, Chloe," Lila said. She took a step closer to her, but Chloe didn't back away.

"And what, would that be? Our hatred of Ladybug?"

"Yes, partly, actually. Felix, care to explain?"

Felix also took a step closer to Chloe. It was frightening how much he looked like Adrien...but how he acted the exact opposite.

"We know something...that no one else does. A secret, that if It was to get out would cause the world to fall into chaos."

"Like what, Ladybug's identity?" Chloe rolled her eyes. This was all a big waste of her time.

Lila smiled like a devilish fox. "Better than that. We know who Shadow Moth is."

Or, it wasn't such a waste. Chloe couldn't believe what she was hearing. She blinked a couple of times, having trouble processing what she just heard. "What?" she choked out. That was crazy, insane! Impossible!

"You heard us. We know who Shadowmoth is," Felix said. He was smiling too, with an evil smirk spread across his face.

"How?" No, they had to be lying. Lila always was. But...what if it was the truth? What did this mean?

"Secrets, dear Chloe," Felix said. He and Lila shared a glance.

"Care to hear part of our deal?" Lila awaited Chloe's answer. How could she refuse?

"Go ahead, shoot." She was still trying to process that they knew Shadowmoth's identity...how was that possible? Who could he be? What would Ladybug and Cat Noir do if they found out?

Lila began to pace back and forth across the room. "Shadowmoth has tried over the years to take Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous, but he utterly failed at every attempt. Wouldn't you agree?"

"I'd be the one to give him their miraculous if it wasn't true," Chloe remarked with an eye roll. Her heart was still beating, a little too quickly for comfort.

Felix placed both of his hands behind him and walked over to Chloe. "What would you say, if the peacock and moth miraculous found their way into someone's hands who was much more...capable?"

Chloe couldn't help it. She gasped aloud and stared at Felix, then Lila with wide eyes. The two of them only laughed.

"Oh, don't worry, we won't forget about you. We'll make sure you get your hands on your beloved Bee miraculous. If, that's the one you want, after all. You'll have a lot to choose from."

Chloe couldn't believe it. Lila and Felix didn't want to bring Shadowmoth down. They wanted the miraculous for themselves...

"And together, we would be able to bring down Ladybug, Cat Noir, and anyone else who stands in our way," Lila said, with a power-hungry look shining in her emerald green eyes.

"What do you say, my queen?" Felix asked.

Chloe allowed herself a minute to think about it. They were talking about betraying all of Paris, stabbing Shadowmoth in the back...and taking the miraculous for themselves. It was almost unthinkable, yet, here they were, asking Chloe to be a part of it.

She started to think about what Ladybug, her father, Adrien, and even Zoe would think if she did such a thing. Then she was reminded of her everlasting anger, that bitterness she had towards each of them. She owed them nothing. All they had done was turn their back on her. Now it was her time to pay them back for that. She could finally have what she wanted. She could be Queen Bee again.

"What would you have me do?" Chloe finally asked.

Felix and Lila once again exchanged glances. "Be our spy. You tell us what's happening, get a little info for us. Maybe cause a little mischief. Nothing you don't usually do," Lila confirmed.

It sounded easy enough. A chance to finally redeem herself, get back at everyone for everything they had ever done to her...well, that was an offer she couldn't turn down.

"Fine. It's a deal. I'll be your little spy, do whatever you want. As long as I get my hands on the bee miraculous." It was all she wanted. It was all she needed.

"Looks like everything's settled them," Felix said with a grim smile.

"One last thing. Who is he? Who's Shadowmoth?"

Lila gave a mischievous grin like a fox. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Have a good day Chloe. We'll let you know when it's time to act."

And with that, the two of them left, leaving Chloe to think about what she had just agreed to do. She had turned her back on Ladybug...and all of Paris, in a way. But it didn't matter. As Queen Bee, she could protect them all by herself.


Lila and Felix watched as Chloe exited the building. "Think she'll keep her promise?" Felix asked, with a hint of doubt in his voice.

Lila shrugged. "Maybe. As long as we still have a way to get her what she wants. But it doesn't matter. She'll do exactly what we need her to do."

Author's note: You didn't think it was going to get this crazy serious, did you?

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