"Make a decision, Ximena!" she yelled frustratedly to herself, running her eyes repeatedly over her section of cocktail dresses. Why she had agreed to going to the club opening, she had absolutely no idea.

Her door creaked open, and some foosteps could be heard from her room. "Mena, it's almost time for dinner. You coming?" voiced her little sister, Andrea. She wasn't even the least bit surprised that she hadn't knocked.

"I'm going out," Ximena replied curtly. "Would it kill you to knock?" she added, rather irritated by her sibling's lack of respect and her current predicament.

Andrea suddenly popped up in the closet, still clad in her tennis uniform. "Tranquilo, sis. I come in peace. Where are you of to?"

"Some club opening. Chelsea invited me."

"Which club is it? I heard about some grand opening tonight by some rich boy, what his name? I can't remember. Anyway, why aren't you ready?"

Ximena rolled her eyes. "You know pretty well that I struggle with these types of things. That, and the fact that I don't feel like going."

Andrea clicked her tongue. "Yes, your sense of fashion is almost as awful as Salvador's. Step aside and let me help you."

Not wasting a second, Ximena complied and let Andrea browse through her options. Not even a minute later she had pulled out a violet sequined off the shoulder Dolce and Gabbana knee length, body con dress. Despite her lack of interest in clothing, Ximena was impressed and surprised that she even owned such a beautiful article.

"This will go with those silver Balenciaga pumps over there," she said, pointing to her shoes rack. "Now get dressed so I can do you hair and makeup."

About fifteen minutes later, Ximena was looking at herself in the mirror and almost could recognise herself. The dress fit her like a second skin. Her normally straight hair had been curled into bouncy, voluminous waves. The sober make up choice managed to bring out her full lips and electric blue eyes. To top it all off, diamond earrings and a diamond necklace from Tiffany's finished the look.

"Wow," she gasped, earning a triumphant smirk from Andrea.

She flipped her also black hair dramatically. "I know, I'm amazing. You look hot and I just can feel that many heads are gonna turn tonight. Hopefully you can catch the attention of that hunk Adriano Dos Santos," she breathed.

Ximena turned around to look at her. "Who's he?"

Andrea's jaw almost hit the marble tiled fall. "Only the hottest man in Miami, possibly the whole of Florida. Heir to the Dos Santos shipping kingdom...you don't know who he is?" she remarked, disblief present in her voice.

Her sister just shrugged. "Never heard of him," she replied nonchalantly.

"You know what, you're a lost cause. Just grab your purse and go, it's seven already. Maybe if you're quick enough, you won't bump into mama or papa in the halls. Hurry now, shoo!" Andrea said, clearly disappointed in her sister and her ignorance.

They both exited her room, but Andrea went in the opposite direction to her own room. "Thanks, Andy." Ximena yelled over her shoulder on her way down the grand staircase leading to the foyer.

"Whatever," was her response, to which her older sister chuckled.

In no time, Ximena had reached the garage where her white Lamborghini was stationed and brought it to life. She fished out her cellular device and input the directions into the GPS system which worked efficiently in bringing her to her destination within half an hour.

"I'm here," she said into her phone once she had dialed Chelsea's number.

"Good, just tell the bouncer your name and get in. I'm by the bar in the VIP section, I'll see you when you get here."

Ximena exited her car, handed the valet her keys and sauntered over to the entrance. The bright lights above the main door read Los Momento. As she approached the bouncer, all her confidence seemed to wither into thin air. He was huge and definitely mean looking. There was no way he was just going to let her in, much less that there were lots of other people waiting in line to get in as well.

"Back of the line," he grunted tersely, not sparing her a single glance.

She gulped nervously. "Ximena Dos Ramos," she croaked and the large man's eyes flew to her. He didn't say anything at first, then he nodded at her and stepped aside for her to pass through.

Once inside, Ximena exhaled. It was then that the loud music playing penetrated her eardrums and the dimmed atmosphere began to set in. The interior was refined and anyone could easily tell it was a place for socialites only. It wasn't packed like an ordinary club would be, but there were quite a number of people.

She was so busy drinking in her surroundings that she didn't notice that she was about to collide face first into somebody. Firm arms shot out to prevent her fall, and her own grabbed the person's broad shoulders. When she looked at her victim, she immediately recognised his bewitching jade orbs.

"Are you-, it's you again."

Sorry for my sloppy updating schedule but I really think you guys deserve nothing but the best...so I take my time to write these chapters. I also don't want you to be disappointed when I tell you I'll update and then I don't end up doing just that.

On another note, how are you liking this story so far? Thoughts on the leading lady and leading man?

Love you 💗,


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