Chapter 1

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The days at camp Chippewa were short lived, at best about a month, so after everything was said and done there was still a week before the end of summer. This gave the Addams family the opportunity to travel to the UK to meet the Potter family and get Wednesday and Pugsley's school Supplies. They were given permission to Floo there which left them in the middle of the large Potter manor living room. Harry was asleep on a large couch with a book on dark magic and blood rituals on his chest his glasses askew and there was a blonde girl and an older copper haired boy unknown to the family on the floor playing chess. The girl looked up with a raised eyebrow and smacked Harry awake with a pillow.

Said boy sat up really quickly and shook his head. He saw the blurry black figures by the fireplace and grabbed his glasses off the side table letting the Addams family come into picture perfect view, "Hello Addams," he grins as Wednesday approaches him. He gives her a quick kiss on the Temple and continues, "These two" they stand, "Are two of the other lovely people me and Mione had stolen and made family, Luna and Cedric. Luna could you please go get Hermione and the twins their down in the potions room with Sirius, Cedric Please got get Pansy, Draco and Neville their out in the garden with Remus."

The two shake hands with the Addams before heading off in separate directions. "Luna is our Seer and Cedric is a calm kind of Crazy, Pansy Specializes in Animals and Draco the dark arts, Neville in all kinds of plants deadly or otherwise, and the twins in colorful torture."

"Your family sounds absolutely wonderful Harry," Morticia smiled.

"They truly are," Hermione appears out of a stairwell with soot on her face her hair a frizzy mess and two identical ginger twins following her. Pugsley smiled and walked over to her quickly giving her and awkward hug.

"So Harry this is the miracle that broke you?" Draco snark's as he walks in with Neville and Pansy. He slightly inclines his head, "Draco Malfoy,"

Wednesday raised an eyebrow but nodded, "Wednesday Addams but if you want to talk about a miracle look at those two." Draco chuckles deeply watching Hermione and Pugsley awkwardly flirt.

"Harry your snake got into the garden a again." Pansy holds the venomous snake and let her slither up Harry's arm.

$Wisp how many times do I have to tell you not to go into the garden when Pansy and Neville are working$

$Sorry Harry$ Wisp was Harry's familiar, and she was very violent. He wasn't able to keep her with him when he was with the Dursley's because she would have killed them and as much as he would have loved that he couldn't have it just yet.

"Is that your familiar Harry," Pugsley asked with wide eyed, entranced by the venomous snake.

"Yes, wisp is a blue viper. She's very violent around those I hate and produces some of the best venom."

"To have a familiar so young is some powerful magic my boy," Gomez said impressed and unlit cigar between his teeth.

Harry smiled gratefully and let Wisp wrap around Wednesday's arm. She immediately recognized the girl as Harry's chosen and wrapped herself around her arm tightly. "Addams Its good to see you again," Remus smiled stumbling back into the house he was drenched. Harry could only assume Pansy tripped him into the pond out back if her snickers were anything to go by.

The werewolf speaks to Morticia and Gomez briefly, after using a spell to dry himself off, before Sirius cuts in, "we should go get their supplies, it's actually pretty late," The Addams had actually remembered the five-hour time difference from the US to the UK but didn't realize that UK shops closed much earlier than US ones.

"Of course," Gomez tilts his head with a large grin.

The only ones out of the Potter family that had to go was Harry, Hermione and Luna. Cedric and the twins had gone together a week prior and Neville, Pansy and Draco before them. Harry and Wednesday go through the floo together, Hermione and Luna, Pugsley, then the Adults. Sirius sadly having to stay back "Alright kids go get your new uniforms, we'll go get your potions ingredients and books."

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