Chapter Five: The Second Task

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"Watch me! Next year, I'm gonna be a prefect, just like you! And I'm gonna talk a lot more and I'm gonna make lots of friends!" Y/N rambled on, causing Cedric to let out a small chuckle.

"You're kind and gentle and everyone looks up to you! I'm gonna be just like you, I'm gonna make everyone proud so they'll look past my eyes and look up to me too!" 

"I'm sure you'll do great with that, Y/N." Cedric said with a smile, ruffling Y/N's hair.

"I'm gonna make you proud, I'm gonna show you the best in me! I'll follow on your footsteps until the day that I'm just like you!" Y/N added with a gentle smile on his face.

"You'll see, I'm even gonna grow taller than you! Big brother Ced, I'm gonna be just like you!" 

Cedric chuckled at the excited red-eyed boy.

"Then, I'll look forward to watching you grow, Y/N." He said with a smile.


Later that evening, Harry and Y/N were in the prefects bathroom with their eggs. Though the rules stated they were not allowed to work together for the tournament, there are no rules stopping two boys from taking an innocent bath together. Harry took off his robes but kept his shorts on (for a very obvious reason) as he stepped in to the bath. Y/N stood by the side, pouring some liquid into it.

"What are you doing, Y/N?" He asked, taking his shirt off.

"Bubbles." Y/N said softly.

Harry laughed at Y/N's serious face as he poured the contents out of the bottle and into the bath, creating a foamy layer on top of the running water. Y/N raised his eyebrow at Harry before pouring in the last bit of liquid from his bottle before taking off his own shirt and sitting next to his friend.

Y/N and Harry stared at their eggs for a while, trying to figure out what Cedric wanted them to do. 

"I must be out of my mind..." Harry whispered to himself before opening his egg.

Y/N winced in pain as his egg screamed loudly. Y/N smacked Harry gently on the arm making him close the egg.

"I see you've inherited Hermione's violence." Harry joked.

Y/N sighed at him before staring back at his own egg. Then Y/N suddenly lunged himself underwater before opening the egg leaving a confused looking Harry.

"I'd copy young L/N if I were you..." A voice rang out, scaring Harry.

"Myrtle!" Harry yelled out.

"Hello, Harry. Long time no see." She said dreamily.

By this time, Y/N was already out of the water and putting his shirt on before exiting the bathroom, leaving Harry alone.


Y/N had arrived at his room and quickly rushed to his desk, pulling out a piece of parchment and his quill.

"Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground." He wrote down before thinking on it a bit. He then drew a little dash before writing "The black lake, possibly Merpeople involved.".

"And while you're searching, ponder this; We've taken what you'll sorely miss."

Y/N thought of something valuable he had, maybe his sword or his limited book collection. He quickly brushed it off, thinking he'll figure it out once the competition started.

"An hour long you'll have to look, but past an hour, the prospect's black, too late, it's gone, it won't come back." He wrote once more.

"Probably how long the task would take... And we'll probably lose the item forever if we don't finish the task..." Y/N whispered to himself, writing it down.

Y/N sighed, not knowing how he'd be able to hold his breath for that long. He'll have to ask Hermione for help on that although he didn't want to trouble her, she would probably be helping Harry at this time too.


It was now the night before the competition and the quartet were sitting at the library. It turns out, Harry had also figured out the clues yet had no clue on how he would breathe underwater for an hour, the same problem as Y/N.

Y/N sat on a beanbag with Hermione resting on his lap as they skimmed through books.

"We're doomed, Y/N and I either have to forfeit the tournament or we'll drown trying." Harry groaned before dropping his head onto a book.

Y/N sighed, resting his chin on Hermione's shoulder while he skimmed through another book.

"Look, Harry, you're both aren't going to drown, I won't let that happen. I'm sure the five of us can figure this out." Hermione reassured before placing a small kiss on Y/N's cheek.

"We also have no idea what they're going to be taking..." Y/N mumbled.

Hermione let out a frustrated sigh, leaning her back onto Y/N's chest as she picked up a new book.

"I hate to break up your wonderful moment." A voice said making the quartet look up.

"Professor McGonagall wants you in her office." Moody continued, looking at them sternly.

They all stood up from their spots.

"Not all of you, just Weasley and Granger." He added.

Y/N groaned, wrapping his arms around Hermione's waist from behind.

"But, sir, the second task is only hours away, and-" Hermione said, placing her hands on top of Y/N's.

"Exactly. Presumably Potter and Y/N are both well prepared by now and could do with a good night's sleep." He spat.

Y/N frowned. Not only do they not have Hermione's help anymore, but he was planning on cuddling that night with her. Hermione gave him a small reassuring smile before placing a kiss on his lips. 

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