Chapter 4

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The next day i had gone to the library. But Prince Cedric wasn't there as usual. I was worried he was having second thoughts about what we had done. But i was trying not to read to much into it. I knew we couldn't date. I wasn't the right kind of person for him. But we couldn't be friends? I thought we were at least doing that. Okay and yes we had done something friends didn't usually did but i wasn't complaining.

I finished up and i was heading to clean one of the main living rooms a door opened and i was pulled inside. I gasped. "Prince Cedric." I smiled. "Hi, look i need to speak with you." He said. "Okay, are we going to talk like we did yesterday?" I joked. "No, no that can not happen again. I feel like such a jerk i should have never initated that. I'm kicking myself. I know that i led you on." He said.

"Did you? I mean yes somewhat, that something like that could happen again. But you did tell me we couldn't be anything more." I said. "Yes, but if this gets out i'll be in hot water and you could lose your job...there are rules and i'm so sorry i put you in that position." He said."I could have said no." I said frowning. "And if you're worried i'll say something i wouldnt do anything that stupid. If it got out you're exactly right, i'd lose my job. There is just as much on the line for me is there is for you." I said.

He took a breath. "Yea i guess thats true. But we have to distance ourselves from each other." He said. "What? Why? I don't understand. We were friends before right? Why wouldn't we just be friends again?" I asked. "I'm sorry Alex. I just feel like this is for the best." He said. "Are you saying this was a mistake?" I asked. "I don't know, on the one hand i don't regret it but on the other hand i know it can't happen again." He said. "So then it won't happen again! But...i." A tear slipped out of my eye. I didn't know what to say.

"You're right. That never should have happened. It muddled things. There are rules for a reason. I was supposed to stay hidden and maybe things should have been that way. But it's not too late to go back to the way things were." I said. "Good, because i started to say we could be friends but i think if we try to be friends then we'd both end up wanting more and we'll only get hurt. I am so sorry it has to be this way." He said. I wiped my face. "No, of course it's fine." I said. "I'll let you get back to work." He said. He swiftly left the room. I was left with my emotions. I felt stupid for allowing things to go that far but to be fair, would you have said no?

I left the living room and finished helping winnie with the other rooms. When i returned to my room i was absolutely exhausted. The days just blurred together. Winnie frowned when she saw me. "Are you okay? You looked happy yesterday, today you look sad." She noted. "No not sad per say just confused." I said. "About what?" She asked. I sighed. What did i tell her? Certainly not the truth.

"Well i was seeing a guy, or kinda...i don't know...i just don't think it's gonna work out and i'm trying to figure out how i feel about it." I said. "Oh is it his decision or yours? Because i know were not supposed to date staff but just know i support it. Who is he? Carter?" She asked. "Carter?" I asked. Why would she think it was him? I mean i remember her telling me he was looking at me day one but we haven't spoken since the first day.

"Yea the blonde preppy guy with the quaffed hair and those dimples..." She trailed off in thought. "I know who is he! But i mean, you think he's into me?" I asked. "Uh ya, he stares at you all the time. Is it him?" She asked. "No." "Oh then you should go for it." She said. "Maybe." Maybe i should. I mean me and Prince Cedric obviously couldn't date not that i ever thought we could. But we couldn't even be friends. And being with him yesterday was a amazing. And maybe having a guy who actually liked me would be nice.

"How was your day?" I asked because i needed to change the subject. Carter was nice and I'd see where it went. "Long, i had to clean Lady Esmeralda's room. She's vile absolutely vile but that stupid flu is going around and her regular maid is out. She thinks she's going to be the next queen it's disguising she's always all over Prince Cedric." She said. "Well he doesn't like her." I said. "How do you know?" She furrowed her brow. "I just know she's stuck up and she doesn't seem like she's his type." I shrugged.

"Oh did you hear that Diandra and Ian hooked up." She said. "Ian, he's one of the security guys right?" I asked. "Oh yea, those muscles...ohh i don't blame her." She said. I giggled. She was boy crazy. "Who's your crush?" I asked. She blushed. "Colby, he works in the kitchen. I know i know, but he's so nice." She said. "No no i like him, he's very sweet." I agreed.

"It doesn't matter He wouldn't like me." She said. "Please he'd be crazy not to." I said. "Thank you i just get so nervous around him." She said. "Hey were supposed to go to the festival this weekend. Maybe we can see if he wants to hang out with us?" I asked. "Do you think he would?" She asked. "Yea he would." She wrapped me in a hug. "I'm so glad you're here. You're my best friend here." She said. "I feel like i can tell you anything." She said.

"You can." I said. "And you know you can tell me anything right? And i'll keep your secret." She said. I knew why she was saying this. She wanted to know about the guy. But there wasn't anything to tell. We spent ten minutes together. Enjoying each others company in a way that was off limits. "I know." I said. "So if you're going through can tell me." She said. I nodded. "Thanks. But honestly there isn't anything to tell. It ended before it even got started and it's for the best." I said.

"Okay then, let's go get some dinner." She said. We headed down to the kitchen. Colby was setting out food. "Hey Colby! Winnie and i were just talking about the festival out in town. We wanna try some good food. We figured since you worked in the kitchen you might wanna hang out with us." I said. He looked from me then to Winnie. He smiled at her. "You wanted me to come?" He asked her. She nodded biting her lip. "Yea, i mean only if you want to." She said. "Yea i'd like that." He nodded. "Great, we'll see you then." She said grabbing a plate. I followed behind her fixing my own plate. Once we had our plates fixed we took a seat. Carter came and set next to us.

"Hey Carter, we were thinking about going to the festival out in town. If you wanted to join us." Said Winnie. Okay she owed me for inviting Conner i guess. "Okay sure, that sounds fun." Winnie told him when and where and that we'd meet him at the servants entrance. We finished up dinner and headed back to our room.

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