chapter four

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I laughed. "Well my summer vacation wasn't that exciting either." "Well, because all of our vacations sucked, why don't we throw a party tonight. A 'welcome back' party at the Gryffindor common room." Harry suggested. A wide smile grew on all of our faces. "Blimey Harry, that's a bloody brilliant idea!" Ron said excitedly.

"All houses are invited!" Hermione added. I smiled. "Well, let me spread the news than." I said and stood up. "Leaving so soon?" Ron asked with a pout on his face. "Well someone has to start inviting others." i said and patted his head. "Fine.." i mumbled and they all waved me goodbye.

I walked through the corridors, walking towards where all the Slytherins usually sit. At the same time i spread the news to anyone i walk pass. Then I arrived at the one and only 'Slytherin Only' cart. I opened the door and all eyes shifted on me. "Y/n!" I was greeted by many at the same time. I smiled and waved at them. "So how have you been, love?" Blaise asked me when i arrived at the table. At the table was Draco, Pansy and Blaise.

I shrugged my shoulders. "To be quit honest with you Blaise, i missed your stupid jokes." I smiled and sat next to him. He put his arm around my shoulder. No, we aren't a thing and he isn't interested in me. We're just very close and everyone knows that. If we made out, everyone knew that there was a reason behind it and that it isn't because of our closeness.

Draco looked at me but quickly looked away when he caught my eyes. "Is there something on my face, Draco?" I asked. He looked at me shocked. He shook his head. "What, cat got your tongue, darling." I said and stood up to sit next to him. I went and hugged his arm and out my head on his shoulder. Draco was blushing hard and Blaise saw that too. So, Blaise laughed a little. "Amused Blaise?" Draco asked sarcastically with no intention of humor in his voice. "You need to calm down." Pansy said. I nodded in agreement and let go of Draco's arm.

Under the table, Draco searched for my hand and held it tight when he found it. Draco and i have always been super close with each other. We're basically family since his mother comes from the same family tree as mine. But Draco has always had a crush on me, since we were 4. And to be honest, he has always been an important person to me. People do ship us together because of the fact that i have some white in my hair and it matches with his hair. But other than that, we both know it's wrong to be more than friends.

I blushed a little. "O-oh, before i forget to say it. Tonight at the Gryffindor common room, a party." Blaise jumped up. "Party at the Gryffindor's" he shouted so the whole cart could hear. Everyone cheered. I covered my face with my free hand because of the embarrassment i was feeling.

"Oh and there's something you need to know. Word has spread that there will be a new student at Hogwarts, in OUR year!" Pansy said excitedly. "Really!? It better be a guy. There's barely any option left." Pansy and i laughed but Blaise and Draco glared at us. "It better be a girl, because i'm kinda getting bored of you two." Blaise said while putting his arms across each other. Pansy and I did as if we were offended. "You wouldn't survive a day not being friends with us." Pansy said. Blaise looked down. "I have to agree." he gave us a smile.


We have arrived at Hogwarts and are in the great hall. The first year has been sorted and everyone has starters eating the food that had been dined. Professor McGonagall stood up and everyone's eyes shifted to her. "Your attention please." She said and sat down. Professor Dumbledore stood up and gave everyone a smile. "Tonight we have a new student. Please welcome, Mattheo Riddle." He announced. Everyone gasped in shock. "A riddle?" a girl near me said. "What is a Riddle doing at Hogwarts?" Pansy asked kind of scared. I didn't know what to think.

The doors suddenly opened and in walked a boy my age. "Mattheo!?" I accidentally shouted and caught some attention of the Slytherin table. Mattheo probably heard it too, because he looked at me and gave me a wink. I facepalmed myself. I can't believe this is happening to me. "He looks so good!" A girl next to me said. I sighed.

Dumbledore put the hat on top of his head and before it even touched a strand of his hair, it knew in which house to put him in. "Slytherin!" And everyone at our table clapped their hands. Well, everyone except for me. I was already picturing my funeral. And after a few seconds everyone minded their own business.

Suddenly the girl next to me gasped and kinda shouted 'oh my god' multiple times. She moved away from me. "Hello pretty girl." A familiar whisper in my right ear. I jumped a little from his warm breath that touched my skin. I turned my head towards him, slowly, and looked up into his eyes. Yep, there they were. The stare that felt so familiar. He sat up straight, looking at the delicious food on the table.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him in a whispering tone. "Can i not go to school, pretty girl?" Pansy gasped after hearing what he called me but quickly covered her mouth. "Stop calling me that or-" he cut me off. "Or what...pretty girl." mocking me. "You're dead meat." i said and softly punched him in his arm. "We'll see about that." he chuckled and started eating.

988 words

Hello!! I hope you're still enjoying this story! I will try to post 3 chapters a week, but if i feel generous (which i feel very very often😏) i will post even more chapters a week! Don't forget to comment if you want to and voteee :))

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