chapter 2

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Shigaraki's pov
Well that was weird. I had just spoken to a kid about life (I think?) and that was just weird, I mean this young kid (maybe 15) just approached me and was like 'hey I hate life how about you'. Like who the hell would come up to a total stranger and talk about how shitty life is? Well clearly that kid would. But still, I thought he did somewhat help me clear my thoughts though. I slightly smirk but quickly wiped that look off of my face and got my phone out.

Crusty blueberry: hey kurogiri pick me up
Transport: i am currently talking with master right now and will be unable to help you so you will have to walk back, see you later.
Crusty blueberry: when I get back you will never be able to see again.

I put my phone back in my pocket and stared up at the sky, felling an intense annoyance you know what kurogiri I thought just fuck you. I eventually let go of my stubbornness and got off the bench and trudged off to the bar Wait. Which way do I go? and that was the time I met the strange boy and got lost.

Izuku's pov - the next day
Ah what a beautiful day it was to be alive! I stumbled out of bedding tripping in the middle of it, I ripped open my curtain and stared directly into a lovely brick wall view that stood two rulers away from my window, I only had damaged school uniforms left that were destroyed by kacchan's constant torment, I went to get breakfast but was hit across the face and told to starve, I was thrown out of my house and I saw kacchan the moment I got into school. Truly an amazing day it was! Please let me die.

Kacchan demanded that I follow him and his dumbass goonies to the side of school and me, who hates being burnt, obviously complied. Stop. So at that point I walked to the side of the school and stood there as kacchan yelled in my face and I just stared at the floor but obviously every action I take is wrong so I still got bombed by this nukes for brains idiot (who was actually surprisingly smart-somehow-).

"DEKU YOU BASTARD WHY DID YOU EVEN BOTHER SHOWING YOUR DUMB QUIRKLESS FACE!" He then wraps his disgusting sweaty hand around my neck and uses his upper body strength to slam me against the wall. I avoid eye contact  and continue to look at the ground as I lightly choke from being strangled. Help me. Since I was avoiding his gaze he warned me by creating an explosion in his hand which burnt my neck and forced me into a coughing fit which made him release my neck and I suddenly collapsed onto the floor gasping for air. It hurts. "DISGUSTING DEKU!" He yelled as he kicked me directly in the stomach hard enough make me cough up blood. It hurts. His pointless groupies laughed  as I squirmed around on the floor trying my best not to die. When rating my attemps at suicide suffocation was within my top ten most painful methods (number one being getting hit on the head over and over with a tea spoon because man that hurt!) Knowing that air is so close yet couldn't reach my lungs was the most painful thing about suffocating. Please let me die.

Kacchan prepares to kick me again until he comes to a hault as the school bell rings. "YOU WERE SAVED BY THE BELL DEKU!" He yells and turns around heading off to class. If I compared being at home to being at school it was like comparing having my skull bashed in or being nuked so I never really thought about which was worse but one thing, ONE thing kept me from hating kacchan. It was his walk. Whenever I saw his small time thuggish walk it always made me laugh. I let out a slight chuckle which I soon regretted since my breathing was still uneven.

Well the rest of the day went on the same as usual mostly, I wrapped bandages around my neck to hide any trace of my quirk, I got to the class half an hour late, the class collectively bullied me, I was called useless, I was abused by kacchan, he blew up my notebook full of my suicide notes, he told me to take a Swan dive off the roof, and my suicide notes became fish food. I really do wish I had jumped out the window at that moment but had I done that and it would have revealed my quirk.

I then make my way home andddd . . . What do you know I started being suffocated by a damn pile of shit as it began to shove it's gooie self down my poor dear abused throat. It hurts. While this happens I hear some guy yell something and then my vision becomes slured and I blackout, well more specifically I died. Now let it be over.

I eventually regain consciousness to find some tall highly detailed guy slapping me across the face, it was lightly but still it was just plain rude like does this guy naturally hit dead people or what. I sit myself up against the wall and slowly begin to gain back my clear sight and focused mind. I look at the guys face and noticed the fact that he was a hero. All something. All fight? No. All right? Definitely not but I am certain that it's all something. At that moment I was not sure who the hero was and assumed he was some small time hero.

"Well I'm off young sir." He loaded the shit villian into two separate 2.5 litre bottles and shot off into the sky, my main thought from this experience was what sort of hero leaves a civilian who 'almost' suffocated and expects them to walk all the way home. Number one hero am I right people. I snickered to myself as I focused on standing on my own two feet. I take two steps using the wall but lean forward, I felt a strong urge to throw up. I regurgitated the remaining slime that took refuge in my system and it splattered on the ground. At that moment I did what many dog owners usually do, I grabbed a couple leaves and covered the evidence and stepped on it to ensure it was dead, afterwards I wipe my shoe on the grass to check and make sure none of the slime got stuck onto my shoe.

I then grabbed my note book that was knocked out of my grasp when the slime attacked me and check the pages are not damaged. I come across a double page spread that had a giant signature it. All might, huh? I thought what a waste of pages. I dismissed the signature and made my way off to my miserable house hold. Don't go back.


Sorry that this story has such a slow start but don't worry they'll meet again in the next one, bye😐👍

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