Chapter Two

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I guess I had nodded off, I feel something tickling my nose and I look up.

“Hey there..” Bastian’s hazel eyes stare down at me. They crinkle on the sides as he smiles. I smile.

“Hey.” I sit up stretching my arms and back as I move in slow motion to a sitting position. Bastian of course had a key to my apartment, why wouldn’t he? Oliver had a hard time accepting it at first, but once he realized that Bastian was not posing a problem to us, he let it go. Like I said he was my family.

“What time is it?” I ask looking around.


“You’re late.”

“I know, but you were asleep” he sits down beside me and pulls my legs over his lap. We sit and stare at each other for a moment. He rolls his eyes.

“Don’t judge me.” He teases.

“No judgment, just in awe of you.” I tease back.

“Really?” he sounds almost relieved.

“No..not really you ass!” I hiss. “How could you do this to Jack? Jack your brother? Hello?” I throw my hands up.

“C’mon Lola, you know it was going to be inevitable. Somebody had to show him the error of his ways..” Bastian runs his fingers through the side of his hair and licked his lips. I thought that was so sexy!

“You are a heartless double dirty crosser!” I argued. Bastian and I could talk this way, without getting offended. He knew I was right, he just liked to argue for the sake of it, so that I could feel as if I was getting through to him.

“She was trash..” he said non-chalantly. I grumbled and pulled my legs off of his lap and stood up.

“Says the trash man..” I griped as I moved to the kitchen. Bastian followed.

“What is up with you? Why are you being so righteous?” he questioned as he sat on the stool at the breakfast bar. He grabbed an apple from my fruit bowl. I poured us both a tall glass of tea.

I shrugged. “I’m not, I just think that snaking your own brother’s girl is even a new low for you Bastian. I have to admit I’m a bit disappointed.” I explained as I leaned on the bar. He took the tea glass and stared at it. His lips pouted out as if he was trying to think of some great comeback to my response. He had nothing.

“It just happened Lola..” he explained. “She wasn’t good for him. She didn’t love him..” he twirled the ice in his glass. “Obviously…”

“Who died and made you the keeper of all sluts?” I asked still annoyed with his response. “You do realize Jack is going to be devastated. He may never speak to you again?”

“She did it too..” he defended. “How can he take her back and still be mad at me?”

“Ya, but you’re his brother…” I retorted. “How can you not see that you broke the rule between brothers? Everyone will argue that you knew better.” I was sticking to my guns. Bast was not going to win this one. He needed to feel bad about what he had done.

He sat in silence as we sipped our tea, watching him stare hard at his tea took me back to when were kids and he was so upset that Jack had went out on a date with a girl that he really liked.  We were sitting in my kitchen drinking tea and he was just staring at it, like he was doing now. In Jack’s defense though, Lacey Thorpe was interested in mature guys. It’s not that Bast didn’t try everything to woo her over but, Jack was something Bastian wasn’t; older.

 Jack was two years older than Bast. All through their teenage years they competed for the best girl in school. Even though Bastian was two years younger he just had that magnetic attitude and gorgeous looks that girls just flocked to him. Jack never hid his jealously of Bastian, although they were similar in looks, Jack was not a ‘Ladies Man’. Bastian just knew how to work them.

The Boy I'd Always Love ***A Short Story****Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя