Mollie froze, colour draining from her face. "So it's ok for you to be upset because you used to fuck? But I can't. I'm the one who was part of the accident Seb. An accident that she caused, but she didn't deserve that. I'm a human and yes, I'm upset."

Seb felt his grief soaring inside him. He couldn't think properly. "If you had just settled and not chased for the race win! You're already champion. You didn't have to fucking do that!"

"So what are you saying Seb? That I'm to blame?"

"Mols, no, I didn't mean that. I'm just saying that if you hadn't been near her it wouldn't have happened."

"Sounds like that's exactly what you're saying. You know, why don't you just fuck off?"

"Mols, you're overreacting."

"I swear to God if you don't go this instant then I will."


"Get out!!" she screamed at him, throwing her bottle of water at him. He ducked and it hit the wall behind him. Mollie buried her head in her pillows and sobbed.

Why did Elena have to die? Was Seb right? Was it her fault?

"Mollie," begged Seb. He knew he'd said the wrong thing. He was grieving and it had just come out before he had time to think.

"Please Seb. I want to be on my own. Please," she sobbed.

Seb took a step back. Then he turned and headed towards the door.

"I'll be with Antti if you need me."

Mollie heard the door open and close. He was gone.

Was it really her fault? How could he say that to her? It was Elena that had caused the accident. Mollie had only been doing what she was on track to do. Race to win. He would have done the same. He wouldn't have settled. Did he really think that of her? That she'd got Elena killed?

She climbed off of the bed,crying out as her broken ribs reminded her of their presence. She found her suitcase and began shoving her things in as fast as she could, which wasn't very fast. Finally, she was all packed. But where was she going to go? She couldn't go home. She didn't want to face her parents. What if they thought it was her fault too?

She took one more look around the room. She had no choice. She couldn't stay. If Seb of all people thought she was to blame then everyone would. No, it would be best for everyone if she just disappeared.

She let herself out and before long she was climbing into a taxi. "The airport please."


Seb let himself back into their room after spending a couple of hours crying on Antti's shoulder. He'd heard that besides himself, both Ferrari drivers and both Thorne drivers had withdrawn from the Grand Prix as a mark of respect. After he'd had time to calm down he realised he'd been totally out of order. It wasn't Mollie's fault. She was a racer. Elena had made her own decisions that day, for whatever reason, and had paid the ultimate price. He owed Mollie the biggest apology ever.

He was surprised to see that she wasn't there. She must have gone to see Cassie. He laid down on the bed. That's when he realised that all of her stuff was gone. Shit, no!

He grabbed his phone and tried to call her but it rang out before diverting to voicemail.

He tried again. Same result. She wouldn't have gone far, he tried to reason. She'd only be with Cassie. He'd give her some space, then try again later.

Ten minutes later his phone beeped. He opened the text.

Mollie: Seb, I'm sorry it had to end like this but there's no other way. I cannot be with you. I cannot love a man that thinks so little of me. To suggest I killed Elena has really opened my eyes. I thought I loved you but I guess I just loved the idea of you. So it's over. Don't try to find me. I'm not interested. I'm leaving and by the time you've read this I'll be flying out of here. I won't be coming back. I'm done. If you ever felt anything for me then just let me go. I'm broken. Again. And this time you helped break me. After I send this text I'll be turning my phone off. I need to be alone. I'm sorry about Elena. I really am. She didn't deserve that. And I'm sorry for whatever part I may or may not have played in it. But you were supposed to love me. You were supposed to be there for me. You let me down and I can't be with someone I can't depend on. I'm sorry. I hope you have a good life Seb I truly do. I will never forget the good times we spent together. But that is now in the past. Goodbye. Mollie.

Seb dropped his phone. She'd gone. His Mollie had left him. She didn't love him. Once again he sobbed, but this time for the woman he loved.

"Mollie!"he cried.


Mollie pulled her hood up and stared out of the aeroplane window as it took off, leaving Abu Dhabi behind. She never wanted to come back here again. She was done with racing forever. She had to find her new way in the world. To start with she was going to visit Oli in Florida and give her body time to heal.  Her mind was going to take a lot longer.  She felt the tears running down her cheeks. Seb.  All she wanted was his arms around her, and him telling her it was going to be ok.  But he'd let her down when she'd needed him the most.   She decided that from now on she was better off alone.  That way no one could hurt her again.  She had a new life to start.  A new life without him.

Playing With Fire (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now