Chapter 16

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The one with a Return

When Ted and Theo reached the edge of the forest, they looked at each other one final time for the new day.

Theo and Ted fist bump, going into the Mind Palace to watch as Itsuki's third was assimilated into both of theirs.

Theo: At least his buildings stay as they are.

Ted: Yeah. It's gonna be lonely without him.

Theo: I know. But you'll have all the people around you to help you get through the loneliness.

The two exit the Mind Palace, Theo flying off towards the warehouse district as Ted switches his right eye with the Itsuki's, using the swirling blue portal to return Gwen to her room.

Ted: This is gonna be a long walk.

Ted walked the city, getting odd looks as his clothes were still covered in blood.

Random Bystander: Hey isn't that the hero trainee that went missing?

R.B. #3: I think it is. But didn't they say he had black eyes?

Ted walked on, ignoring the comments and looks as he walked into the police station.

Ted: Hey, Eliza.

Eliza: Oh hey, Ted.

Eliza did a spit take before getting a better look at Ted.

Eliza: Ted?

Ted: Sup Bevriezen?

Eliza: Where the hell have you been? And what happened to you?

Ted: Underground. And I got tortured a bunch so my hair turned grey. I don't know why my eyes changed too though.

Eliza: I was wondering why you look like a raccoon. That's beside the point! Why are you so nonchalant about getting tortured for a month!?

Ted: Oh I'm traumatized. I just deal with the trauma by not dealing with the trauma.

Eliza ran a hand through his blue hair.

Eliza: Of course you do. Well, I'm gonna call Ezra and your Aunt. Whichever one gets here first gets to take you home.

Ted: Okay.

Ted hops up onto a small cloud of his fire. His low stamina finally caught up to him.

Ted: I can throw cars at people and run faster than the speed of sound, but suddenly I have low stamina.

Have you ever fought for more than 5 minutes? Hell, have you ever ran for more than five minutes?

Ted: Not really- well... no.

My point exactly.

Ted: Tch.

13 minutes later and Rose arrived.

Ted while upside down: Oh hey Aunt Rose. Miss me?

Ted suddenly felt weak, the pull of gravity felt even stronger than before as he fell from the cloud, struggling to even breathe.

Rose Cole had suffered so much stress that she reached her Third Activation.

And the same as Ezra, her Third and Second Activation seem to have switched what they did to her Tick.


The Third Activation.

The Third activation is completely different from the Second or First.

The Third Activation boosts the power of your Tick while also making the side effect of the Second (less control over the first activation power) completely irrelevant.

Theo And The Other Ones or Whateverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن