Part Thirteen

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The one about Not.

One hour after the last ended.

Not is sitting on some steps as he waits for Krystyne to get there.

Not: Tch, should have just taken her with me, slow slut.

?????: Ohoho, if it isn't Nautilus. How have you been, failure?

A God that looks suspiciously like Not's human form asks Not.

Not: I dunno, how have you been Trase? Still, going to different God's domains and leaving your seed?

Trase: That nasty attitude is just the same as when you were permitted to leave, so I assume you've been good.

Not didn't respond, instead, standing to look Trase in the eye.

Not: Been a while, little brother.

Trase: Hey! I'm only a few centuries younger than you.

Once Not's continuous cycle of races reached human, he stayed in that form, ruffling the hair of his younger brother.

Trase: Hey, stop that! You have no idea how long it takes for me to style my hair.

Trase takes a look at Not's unkempt hair that probably hasn't been styled in a few millennia.

Trase: Taking a better look at you, I don't think you'd ever understand either.

Not: Probably not.

Not laughed it off, slinging his arm around his younger brothers neck.

Not: So how many new siblings do we have?

Trase: You know father, he's always been known to sleep around.

Not: So we talking like, thousands or millions?

Trase: Surprisingly only 5,391.

Not: Oh, that's pretty low.

Trase: I was surprised as well, especially when he locked himself in his room for a month.

Not: A whole month? Why? What happened?

Trase: He won't tell anybody, the last time I tried to talk to him about it he just waved off the question.

Then Krystyne arrived.

Krystyne: I'm surprised you could hold a conversation with him, younger brother.

Not: Oh you're here now. Well, I'll see you later Trase, keep in touch.

Trase: I will if I can.

Not walks up the stairs he was previously sitting on, pushing through a set of giant doors into a large hall.

Not: I forgot how much I hated this place.

Krystyne: I assume you remember where Father's room is?

Not: On the very top floor. Hard to miss.

Krystyne: Well then I'll leave you to it Nautilus.

Not: I said stop calling me that, it's Not.

Not then started the long and arduous trek up the millions of floors.

Not: You know you can just have me appear up there, it's literally my most used ability.

Yeah but then that'd be another way to show that you're lazy.

Not: You mean one of my, like two, defining character traits?

When you put it that way...

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