Let Me Hold You Like A Baby (Ally)

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The pasta you were eating seemed to duplicate on the plate in front of you and you chewed and chewed, wincing when you finally had to swallow and your throat burned.

"You okay baby?" Your head snapped up to Ally watching you with a gentle smile as she looked over you curiously. Oz remained buried in his ipad as he watched some random youtube videos while you ate.

You dropped your fork on the plate with a clatter and a huff "I don't feel good" you whined, pouting at your girlfriend. She leaned across the table and pressed her palm to your forehead with her brow stitched in concern, humming in disapproval while she sat back in her chair.

"Do you wanna go lie down, honey?" You nodded in response and stood up in silence, shuffling into the living room. She watched your retreating form before turning her attention to Oz, grazing her hand over his head slightly to assess his temperature and sighing in relief when it appeared he had been unaffected by whatever you were struck down by.

You curled up on the sofa and closed your eyes in an attempt to quell the throbbing that pounded against the back of your eyes. Your body tensed in order to stop yourself from trembling and your lip trembled with tears that came so easily when you felt this awful.

Ally hurried to clear away the plates from dinner, trying her hardest not to make them clatter together, knowing the way your headache got worse with noise. She ushered Oz towards his bedroom and instructed him to spend some time reading one of his comics, telling him she'd come and find him in a little while to run his bath.

When everything else was taken care of, she padded into the living room in the slippers you had bought her to relieve the pressure of wearing heels all day. "Hi sweetheart" she mumbled, coming to sit in front of you as your body curled around hers. Her hand dropped to your head and rubbed your temple gently, earning a soft groan from you at the way she soothed you. Your eyes had been closed so as not to allow the light to hurt your head even more, but you opened them now to look up at her frowning at you in concern.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"My head and my throat and everything aches" you whined like a child in the way you usually did when you felt ill.

Ally smiled slightly, finding you utterly adorable, before you brushed your hair and kissed your head. "Let's get you in the bath baby, then into bed."

You just nodded, holding out your hands for her to take and help you to your feet. When you rose to her level she greeted you with a soft kiss to your forehead before she moved towards the stairs.

You shuffled slowly, your joints creaking with the ache that dwelled inside you. Ally was patient as always, holding you close and whispering confessions of her love as you ascended. When you reached the bedroom you moved to collapse on the bed but she protested, tugging you back up and into the bathroom where she settled you on top of the toilet.

She swirled a hand in the water as it ran, looking over her shoulder at you with a wry smile. You tried your best to return it but your face contorted into more of a grimace which earned you a chuckle as she moved across the tile to help you undress, kissing your skin and leaving goosebumps in her wake as your body reacted to her touch even under the choke hold of the illness you housed.

She lowered you into the bath and your head rested on the side with your eyes closed. Your skin bloomed in a flushed red and you opened your eyes at the stinging of the water. "It's hot"

"You have to sweat out a cold," she explained, pressing the ghost of a peck to your lips, "I'm going to bath Oz while you rest for a little bit. I love you."

You whined at the loss of her presence but still grumbled out a "love you too"

Your head was bobbing as you fought the temptation to sink into a slumber right there in the water, and you considered getting out so you could rest in peace but before you made another move Ally appeared at the door with a goofy grin.

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