Week 7 Part 6 (Friday)

Start from the beginning

     The moms are cracking up at Ms. Ann's role, but then Hannah starts dancing. I think Hannah is beautiful. She shows emotion really well. Everything looks perfect. I know she worked really hard at it ever since she had a panic attack. Ms. Abby even looks impressed. She only gets like, two corrections. Hannah's such a better dancer than you, Lilliana.

     Then comes Scissorhands. Aka Pressley Hosbach. With all the scissors on her gloves, I'm really scared that she's going to cut herself or hurt herself by accident. She starts her number and it's creeping me out. You're such a scaredy-cat, Lilliana. You're so weak thinking your friend is creepy. I go back to watching her, making scary faces in the mirror.

     She misses her four turns, only doing a single turn. She's also stepping behind herself on her side aerials too, making them go diagonal instead of straight.

     "If you were to do that on a beam, you'd fall right off! And squeeze in your thighs! They look fat," Ms. Abby shouts from the corner as Pressley balks.

     She immediately runs to the bathroom, and Ms. Ashley rushes over to the bathroom. I want to run in too, and I almost do until I remember it's best to stay out of it. Ms. Ashley returns without her daughter a couple minutes later, and I know something isn't right. Why did Press stay behind? As the mothers and Ms. Abby are all getting into a heated argument, I grab GiaNina and we sneak out to the bathroom.

     Pressley isn't near the sinks at first glance. She has to be in one of the stalls. There's at least eight of them. I suddenly hear a retching sound that sends chills through my spine. I look at GiaNina and we immediately know what's happening. She's throwing up. I'm not sure if it's accidental or purposeful, but I have dreadful butterflies in my stomach. Something is telling me it's the latter.

     "Pressley? Are you okay? What's going on?" I hear GiaNina ask in a stall, and I hear heartbreaking sobs come from the other side.

     "Go away," Pressley cries out as I hear another retching noise.

     I immediately whisper to Gia, "Boost me up so I can see above."

     She nods and she cups her hands. I carefully put a foot in and suddenly I can see over. GiaNina is pretty steady. I must be light enough. My heart flutters but it quickly sinks as I survey the scene.

     Pressley's fingers are down her throat. She's making herself throw up. I quickly hop down, landing with a small thud as I grab a bobby pin and start picking the lock. After only three seconds of fumbling, it unlocks.

     I push the stall door open, but Press doesn't seem to notice. I start rubbing her back and Gia finally sees the horror. She kneels behind Pressley and rubs her back, moving her ponytail from her left shoulder to the direct back.

     "Go get her mom," GiaNina mouths to me, and I run out of the bathroom stall quickly.

     I rush into the studio and Hannah is practicing her solo again. Nobody seems to notice that we are gone. To be fair, it's only been a minute, though it feels like an eternity. I want to just back away and solve this myself. But I can't let Press face the same fate I've faced. I repress my want to throw up too out of fear and walk to Ms. Ashley.

     I'm so short, I stand out. Her scowl on her face turns into a smile as she notices me. She bends down to my level.

     "Pressley," I hesitate before speaking again.

     "Press-she's, um, throwing up and it's on purpose," I stutter, my voice breaking as I see Ms. Ashley's face pale.

     She pats my shoulder and rushes out. So does Mom. She must have overheard. Ms. Abby looks confused, and looks at me. I shake my head no and run back, motioning the other girls and moms to stay back. I can't tell her.

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