The Clash of the Dragons Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

The ribbons tightened around my neck and I gasped for air. I was then filled with venom and malice for a moment. Fueled by adrenaline, I burst out of the black ribbons, and lay on the floor sucking in the pure oxygen, and then I felt a pair of hard arms scoop me up. I could tell it was Rikshay, but I didn't care, I couldn't do anything about it for right now. I felt a hand press against my hands and suddenly a burning pain floated into my consciousness, and I  heard one scream escape and knew it was me.

 A couple of hours later... or at least thats what it seemed like... I drifted in and out of conciousness, and then I opened my eyes.

Rikshay's view:

She opened her turquoise eyes and looked questioningly up at me, her eyes then narrowed down to slits. I reached out a hand and she slapped it away. I couln't blame her. Anyway, she had no idea that she had been mine since birth.

 Raposa was in her and so was I. I held out a hand and hauled her up.

She smiled breifly and then glanced at herself to check (I'm just guessing) that she was still alive.

She immedietly knew what had been done. She looked on her arms, and there it was, resting there. The dark scale. i gave it out to my property. you couldn't get rid of the mark once you had it. It was an automatic homing beacon. She turned on me. "What the hell did you do!?" she screeched at me. I only stood there, a smirk plastered onto my face.

 She slapped me across my face. I stood there in shock. Didn't expect her to do that.

 Her eyes flared and then I could see her soul. It was astounding. She was destined to be with me, I knew that, but inside of her, I could see 2 other flames in her heart. I felt a hot surge of anger rush through me. She was loved by two others.

 I chuckled to myself, and then grabbed her hand. She looked at me with hatred in her eyes, but there was something else there. It was a fondness. Like a mother telling her child that he could'nt have another cookie after he had 2. I smiled, and she became stunned. Man, were'nt we all.

 I pulled her tight against my form, and her eyes closed.

 I heard Raposa's spirit bieng coursed through her viens. I grinned. She, my little cousin Raposa, still loved me.  

 "Raposa...." I murmured against her head, breathing in her ever present smell of vanilla and roses. "Rikshay.....this isn't right. This is Sentanna's body, and she loves another." Raposa gazed fearfully up at me while she exclaimed this.

 I resisted rolling my eyes.

"Raposa, you are in control here. YOU. Not her. You can decide who this body wants to love, not her. And if you truly love me, I'm guessing that you do, you will force her body to bow to my whims." I replied, my eyes boring into hers with all the hypnotic power they possesed. I could feel her strength wavering, and I could see her resisting against it in her mind, Sentanna and her arguing.

I kissed her.

 I put my mouth against hers and did Raposa's job for her, convincing her to give up.

 I wrestled with my self control and tried not to lose her to Sentanna's shrieks of protest. I knew when I went too far,but i didn't do anything to stop what happened. One minute I was kissing Raposa, and the next I faced an enraged Sentanna who held a sharp dagger to the base of my human form's throat.

 "Hey there Lover boy." she snickered at me. 


Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't uploaded in so long for this story, it's just I had so many stories wanting to be typed  and written that I didn't have enough time to upload "The Clash of the Dragons". So anyways, I'm thinking that you guys should tell me what you want to happen in the story, and I will make it happen, one way or another, so yeah.


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