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With accordance to the course of action Empress Navier suggested, a dinner was arranged for the three of us to talk together. Candles were lit up and exquisite food were served. It may be the first time the three of us are dining together. The unsuspecting Sovieshu seemed pleased and glad that this was even happening. 

"I'm glad you decided to have a dinner with all of us, Navier."  

Sovieshu smiled and drank his wine, really enjoying dining with his wives, which quite frankly is deranged. Although, I am from a place where polyamorous relationships are socially accepted, but with a guy like Sovieshu, it's unlikely he can even take care of a woman, let alone two. 

"It is of the most important matter between the empire and royal affairs, Sovieshu."  

Navier responded while sipping a cup of tea and I couldn't help but feel second hand embarrassment from Trashta's actions. I kept on looking down while we all enjoyed the food being served. Afterall, there is a big news to be revealed to the Emperor himself. 

As much as we want to avoid it, Sovieshu cracked the million dollar question. 

"Well then, what is it that you wish talk about? We have ate dinner, therefore I assume the elephant is coming to the room." 

I stuttered, I was really scared of telling the truth, but I know it was the right thing to do and it was current character's mess. If I want to make Rashta no longer Trashta, I have to speak up. 

"Your Majesty... Remember how you met Rashta in the slums and the fact that she is a slave?"  I said as an opening.  

"Yes, Rashta. I am fully aware of that. What of it?"  Sovieshu looked at me, piqued with interest.

"I.... I just thought... Maybe.... Maybe the child Rashta is carrying right now is not...."  

"Is not...." 

"Is not my flesh and blood?"  He said, calmly while sipping his wine once more. 

Both me and Navier were shocked with what Sovieshu have said. He finished his glass and wiped his mouth with a napkin before speaking. 

"I'm fully aware of that possibility. Rashta was a runaway slave and who knows what kind of stuff her former masters have done to her, even if you told me you weren't touched at all, I'd hardly ever believe you. I'm no fool. Even if that's the case, I am willing to alter the history in textbooks for future generations just to keep the Empire going.  After all, the Empress couldn't give me an heir no matter how hard we tried, then whatever disgrace and stain that's going to happen in the royal bloodline, it can all be our little secret." 

He glanced at Navier and then smiled at me. 

"However, I am sure that your child is mine, Rashta. It's been months since you were in the palace and you got pregnant a few months after staying here. This is just your pregnancy anxiety talking." 

You selfish manipulative scumbag! Yeah you are used to hiding secrets like these because you've done that for almost two decades with how you are the one really infertile! I thought you would be furious in this fact, but you just pinned the fault deeper into Navier for not being able to give you an heir! 

I gripped my skirt and couldn't help but be angry for Navier and myself for having this man as a sorry excuse of an emperor, husband and possibly a father! 

"No... Your Majesty... It's not that simple... Rashta is hearing news and rumours that my child is not yours! I do not like that! I do not want to tarnish the good name of the Eastern Empire...." 

I protested, trying to wake him up from his delusions. 

"Although rumours like that is rampant in political matters, Your Majesty, we cannot overlook this. The facts, circumstances and time speaks a hint of truth in these accusations."  Navier said. 

Sovieshu stood up from his seat, fuming and about to throw tantrums as he swept away the plates that were in front of him.  

"I know that well, Navier! That's why even if Rashta MIGHT NOT be carrying my child, I have to deal with it for the sake of the Empire's future! What part of that you two cannot understand?!" 

He stormed out in rage and left the two of me and Navier alone in the room. I hurriedly went to the Empress aide and tried to comfort her. 

"Your Highness... This is not what I expected the Emperor would say... I humbly apologize... It's not my place to interfere with your relationship or even political affairs... I thought he would just kick Rashta out and I would have accepted how my life would be outside the palace..."

Navier just sighed and patted my head while looking at me filled with pity probably for me and herself. 

"It's not that simple, Rashta... Sovieshu is somehow right...If only I..."  Navier started breaking down and crying into my arms as we both hugged each other until we both heard noise coming from the window. 

Waking Up As The Trash Characterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें