Power Rangers Trailer

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Y/N: Hey, guys.

Everyone turned around to see you looking up at the night sky. Slowly, you lifted your arm and pointed at the moon.

Y/N: I think we're about to have some company.

Everyone looked up to see the falling objects that were now hurling towards Earth.

Jason: Holy......
You ducked under the blade and slid so that you would be facing the war lord.

Goldar turned and pointed his blade at you.

Goldar: You will die here, Ranger!

Y/N: Then come and kill me, you miserable monkey.

Goldar charged at you as you clenched your fists.
You watched the sky before you looked down at your hand. The broken phone was still there. You moved it around before you put it back into your pocket.
Jason: We need to find a way to stop this thing.

You and Jason looked around the alien forest as the creature quickly closed the gap between you and it.

Suddenly, Jason noticed the hanging vine and smiled. He reached up and sliced it with his sword before he handed it to you. You looked at it confused.

Y/N: What am I supposed to do with this?

Jason: You're a Power Ranger. Figure it out.

Y/N: You're a sucky leader.

Jason: Never asked to be one.

You wrapped the vine around your hand before you looked at it.

Y/N: Oh. It has spikes.
Trini: Do you ever think that things will be normal again?

You took a deep breath as you looked at the fire. The others stayed silent as they thought about the question.

Finally, Zach rubbed the back of his neck.

Zach: Were things ever really normal? I mean, look at us.

Billy: Teenagers with attitude, huh?

He laughed dryly as he lowered his head again.

Billy: But, at least we have each other to get through this.
You fixed your bow tie as you looked around the gym. Students were dancing with each other with music playing off the speakers.

You sighed as you ran a hand through your hair, making sure it was still good, as you scanned the crowd.

Then, as if the seas parted ways, you saw her.

Trini was talking to Kimberly and Matt, completely unaware that you had finally made it. She wore a beautiful yellow dress and the lights just highlighted her features.

She happened to look over and spotted you. Time seemed to slow down as you both looked at each other.

You felt your cheeks heat up when you noticed that hers were red.

Y/N/Trini: Wow.
Y/N: Don't shoot! Don't shoot!

You leaped over the cover as everyone took aim.

Y/N: Shoot!

The others opened fire on the swarm of putties that were chasing you as you protected yourself from the flying debris.
Jason: You got a problem?!

He stepped up to Zach who didn't even move.

Zach: Yeah, I got a problem. You got a problem?

Jason: You tell me.

The two got into each other's faces before Zach finally snapped. He swung and punched Jason right in the jaw which sent him to the ground.

You spread your arms out as you walked towards the burning school where Rita and her allies were gathered.

Billy: Y/N...


Zach: So, Y/N, was that your plan all along?

You stopped and turned around. It was still night time but you could see clearly thanks to the full moon. The same one you were just on. The same one that an evil space sorceresses was living on.

Y/N: My plan?

Zach: The moment we started to get attacked, you went all kamikaze on your own Rita side quest.

You narrowed your eyes at him.

Y/N: I don't know what you're talking about.

Zach: Hey, I'm not judging. I would have done the same. Just not so cloak and daggery. Just saying, it's a lot easier for us to watch your back where we know where you are.

Y/N: You knew where I was.

Zach: I meant mentally. Dude, I don't want to sound like a jerk....

Y/N: Then don't.

Zach: But none of us know anything about you. Trini is the only one who's had a full blown conversation with you, and she doesn't even know what your favorite color is. I looked at the yearbook. No picture, no quote, no list of likes and dislikes.

That was because you didn't do it. You didn't see a point in it. And you definitely didn't see a point in spending more time than you needed to with these people.

They weren't your friends.





The Zords were all summoned as you watched.
Jason: Are we doing this?

You looked at the Red Ranger as you became surrounded by countless putties. You smiled as you held your fist out.

Y/N: Obviously.

Jason smiled as well and hit his fist against yours.

Jason: Of course.

He held his sword up as you lifted your dagger.

Y/N: Go Go Power Rangers.


Trini: So, uh, it's just us.

You nodded as you awkwardly sat next to Trini at the counter. You rubbed the back of your neck for a moment before something hit the back of your head. You turned around and groaned.

Bulk: Hey, dorks! You on a little dork date?

Skull: HA! Dork date! Good one, Bulk!

You and Trini just looked at each other and sighed.

Trini: I hate those guys.

Y/N: Yeah. Me too.

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