Ch. 14: confession 2.0

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Y/n's POV:

Muichiro drags me (lightly) by the wrist into the hallway, and takes a deep breath.

"Y/n, I have a lot to explain, and I apologize for that, haha... You see, it was actually Yuichiro who you saw in class yesterday. I had to leave early yesterday due to a fever, so Yuichiro took my place instead, I'm sorry..."

I stand there, gaping at him. Then, my first thought is how embarrassing.

Not only did I confess to the wrong twin, I got all mopey mopey and ignored Muichiro today...

"I- are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah, it was just a low grade fever," he answers. "Sorry I didn't tell you earlier about it..."

I shake my head, assuring him that it was ok. Yuichiro probably told him about my confession yesterday too. Hm, come to think of it, that must be why Yuichiro had told me cloud gazing was more Muichiro's thing.

Oh well, I guess it's now or never to confess. Stop procrastinating Y/n.


"Y/n, I like you. Romantically, and I want to be with you as your boyfriend, so please accept my offer," Muichiro says, smiling at me.

I stand there speechless.

"O-of course! I like you too, after all..." I mumble, blushing shyly.

He chuckles softly, what a beautiful sound-, and hugs me. I breathe in his familiar scent and bask in the fact that Muichiro liked me back. I wrap my arms tightly around him, enjoying and savoring the moment, that it's just me and Muichiro.

We stay there for a little bit, before pulling away.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to confess Y/n, how sad..." an almost sickeningly sweet voice calls out.

I close my eyes, sighing, before turning around to see Shinobu, Mitsuri, and Tengen staring at us.

"Why are you three here? And by the way Shinobu, technically, I did confess first, just to the wrong twin," I answer.

Mitsuri claps, immediately rushing to us both and congratulating our new relationship.

I hear a boisterous laugh. "I was right!Muichiro liked you after all Y/n," I peek over Mitsuri to see my own twin grinning widely at me. I smile back, the relief and euphoria finally settling on my shoulders.

Muichiro looks around confused. "When did you all get here, exactly...?"

"Ah, we were here the whole time!" Shinobu smirks at us.

"Yup! It was so romantic!!" Mitsuri sighs happily.

I sigh again and eventually shoo the three away somehow, with just a little bit of effort. (That was sarcastic.)

"Hey Muichiro, now that they're gone, want to go to the garden? We can go cloud gazing there." I say.

He simply nods, and we head to the garden, content.

We arrive at the same spot we were the first time we went cloud gazing together, and I nestle against his side shyly, breathing in the faint, fresh scent of mint.

"This is quite nostalgic, isn't it...?" I comment.

Muichiro nods again. "Yeah, I remember that first time we came here together."

I continue gazing, but not at the sky, but at the boy next to me. He's always so breathtaking every time I see him.

"Y'know, my first impression of you was that you looked like an anime character," I tell him, absentmindedly playing with Muichiro's silky soft, long locks of hair. I seriously need to ask what shampoo this guy uses...

He looks back at me curiously. "Really? My first impression of you was a lost idiot."

I blink twice, then look up at him with a mixture of annoyance and exasperation-- but also love. Mostly love.

"Well then, I'm glad we got to know each other better, Muichiro."

He smiles. "Yeah, I agree Y/n."

This was kind of a shorter chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it!

Byeee :)

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