Ch. 12: confession

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"Why? You should totally confess, you can do it Y/n-chan!" Mitsuri tells me. "That'll be two couples getting together in 3 days! If you're planning to do it tomorrow, that is."

"No. Want me to say it in Spanish? NO." I huff, crossing my arms.

"Up to you, Y/n! By the way though, I was the one who confessed. I guess you're just weak then." Shinobu gives me a manipulative smile.


"Fine. I'll do it tomorrow, I guess," I sigh in defeat. Maybe I did have the desire to tell Muichiro about my feelings somewhere inside, it didn't take much at all.

"Oh actually?" Shinobu raises her eyebrows. "You're surprisingly willing."

"This is great! I'm finally going to become Muichiro's brother-in-law!" Tengen's eyes sparkle.

"We're not getting married, jeez. And there's no guarantee he'll say yes either," I tell him, rolling my eyes.

"Good luck then, Y/n! My house is down that way," Mitsuri wishes me luck, smiling. "Bye bye!"

"This is my stop too. Bye you two!" Shinobu waves at us.

We head back home, mostly in comfortable silence.

~time skip to next day~

"G'morning sis!" my twin greets.

What was I supposed to do today...? I was nervous last there a test?

"You're confessing today, right?" Tengen munches on some bread.

Ah right... Shit.

I laugh nervously. "Haha, um now it sounds really stupid, so nope!"

Tengen sprints to the fridge where I'm heading and blocks my access. "You're not getting your breakfast 'till you commit to it!"

I stare at him with a look that says "wtf are you doing" all over it. "You do some really stupid things sometimes, y'know?"

He walks back to the table, and I grab some breakfast.

"I know, but my points still stands Y/n. You can't just keep ignoring your feelings, you gotta commit!" he grins. "Like the ever-flamboyant me!"

I sigh for the first today. Fun fact, on average, I sigh about 10 times per day!

"I guess, but it's so hard..." I plop into a seat.

"Hm, just think of the anime characters that you simp for cheering you on. That should help, right?" my twin advises.

"Wait, that does help. Thank u." I nod thoughtfully, keeping that tactic in my head.

"You really are a weeb y/n," Tengen shakes his head at me.

"And what's wrong with that? Anime boys are usually better than real ones anyways. You're a perfect example," I smirk.

~Time skip to last period before school~

I had planned this carefully.

First, I would approach Muichiro after the bell rings, then ask to have a quick word. Next, I would recite, "Muichiro, I like you, romantically. It's okay if you don't also have feelings for me, but I would still like to be friends!". Ideally, he would then say yes, and we would all be happy. Hopefully.

Ding dong bong

All of the students make their way out of the classroom, and I head straight to Muichiro's usual seat, which is actually pretty close to my own.

I see the familiar black hair with mint tips and I tap on his shoulder, hyping myself up.

"Can I have a private word, just real quick...?" I ask, twisting my hands anxiously. First step: completed.

He looks up and nods, saying, "Sure. Wanna go to the garden then? I planning on going their anyways."

"Are you going cloud gazing?" I smile remembering our first time cloud gazing together. It feels like only yesterday, yet it also feels nostalgic somehow.

"No, that's more my twin's thing," he chuckles slightly.


"Alright then." We head out towards the garden, I walked a little faster than usual, wanting to get it over with.

We arrive pretty quickly, and I lead the mint eyed boy towards my favorite spot in the garden, where all the f/p (favorite plants) are.

I took a deep breath.

You got this you got this you got this

"Hey, I'd like to confess something... I like you." Phew, I got it out. Step two: completed. "It's totally ok if you don't like me back, I just wanted to tell you, and I'd like to stay friends even if you don't share my feelings," I say, bitting my lip nervously.

His eyes widen in surprise.

"Y/n... I never knew you felt this way....And I'm sorry, but I don't like you back."

My mind blanks out, and I stop listening to what he's saying. Everything becomes a blur. It's happening again. Will I ever find that one person who wants me...?

I got overconfident, especially after Mitsuri and Tengen had ensured me he would like me back. I should have known, haha...he would never like me back.

" friends though."

I look up and smile bitterly.

"Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye, Muichiro," I speed walk back to my house, trying to keep the tears in.

Step three: failed.


Hey guysssss!

I seriously don't know what else to put here

So ig I'll just see you in the next chapter :))

idyll ~ [muichiro x reader]Where stories live. Discover now