Chapter 7: An Icy Interruption

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Sleep was out of option that night for the rulers of Narnia. The impact of what had happened resonated in their very bones, letting them forgo their rest to make sure that safety prevailed. Security was increased and guards were appointed right outside Sophie's chambers as Caspian decided to stay with her for the night, perhaps to make sure that no one hurt her.

And she didn't hurt herself.

Nina was woken up to take sleep in the same chambers as them as Caspian and Sophie couldn't spend any time together that would result in rumours being spread around. Of course, he was the king and she was going to be queen, but they had to be careful. He called Nina immediately using the secret chambers in his room that led to the quarters where everyone slept. 

Nina normally stayed in town, but that week, everyone decided to stay in the castle to save time for the preparations of the much awaited coronation. She gave Sophie company in the room while Caspian paced the room, wondering how he was going to talk to her in the morning. 

Sophie had fallen asleep immediately in the exhaustion of someone invading dreams that were supposed to be entirely her own and Caspian had to physically restrain himself from comforting her when she whimpered. He ended up falling asleep there because even after Nina asked him to go to his chambers, he couldn't leave Sophie alone. He had not carried her to her room in his arms for him to leave her alone when she most needed him.

He would never leave her alone. He would never leave her side. He would rather die than be the cause of the pain she had felt all her life.

"Did you realise that eleven and seven have the word 'even' in it even though they are odd numbers?" 

"There's no need to be nervous, Sophie." 

"There isn't?"

"Of course there isn't," assured Nina. "Everything is going to be fine."

Sophie was getting ready for the important day with the help of Nina. Nobody but the three of them was to know the truth of what had happened the previous night.

Caspian didn't let go of her cold hands. They had talked about the nightmare and he was sure that there was no way that she could have gone to their spot without her remembering. If she had been sleep walking, the guards must have seen her.

"I'm here with you. Always."

"Thank you." Sophie rested her head against his shoulder, grateful that he didn't look at her as though she had lost her mind talking about dreams and forces that were conspiring against her. "Thank you for saving me last night."

"I couldn't bear to think that I could've lost you, Sophie." He cupped her face, speaking his truth. 

When he had heard her faint shouts, he was sure that his ears were deceiving him. But a certain weight on his chest told him to trust his instincts, making him run to the lower balcony anyway. The sight of her looking helpless against the brittle stones of the tower, Caspian was terrified of the possibility of what would have happened if he hadn't gotten there in time. 

"But don't dare do it again, even if it is to check whether you can rock climb or not," he joked, trying to lighten his heart and hers. 

"We will make her the tonic to prevent magic from affection her, Your Majesty. Now," Nina spoke. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You stayed here the entire night and you are going to have to leave some time if you want to have any time to get ready."

Caspian smiled. He had seen Nina's anger and her softness. But her sarcastic self was what made him feel like everything was normal. "Happy birthday, Sophie." He kissed her cheek really quickly as Nina started to push him out. But he peeked inside once, just to see Sophie one more time. "I'll be waiting for you."

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