Chapter 2: Timely Acceptance

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"How is this possible?"

"This is mockery!"

"She only came here a year ago!"

It was none other than what had been expected.

"What the king told you is absolutely true." The Professor took a few steps forward as he addressed the room. "Princess Sophie," the name that made her shudder. "is the true heir to the throne."

At that, Sophie looked at Caspian, who had a look of awe on his face. The words that she had told him came back to her. He really did deserve someone better than her, but he thought completely otherwise. He needed her to know that his feelings towards her had nothing to do with her birthright because she was the most important person to him.

"This is a hoax!" Lord Raindon said. "This is a conspiracy for wanting the throne."

The Professor had warned Sophie beforehand to stay silent during the meeting. Time was of the essence here to accept the truth as it had been for her. The council were already facing the consequences of the changes from Miraz's rule. But that only made her angry because they did not know who she was and had no right to throw false accusations against her.

"I want nothing to do with the throne whatsoever," said Sophie, standing beside the Professor. "I came to Narnia as a normal human being and I wish to be that way. That gives you no right to tell me what I should and should not do."

Anger fumed within her at the thought of being called a liar. She hadn't fled from her old life for this to happen.

The Professor placed a hand on her shoulder. "Sophie, why don't you wait in the dining hall for lunch? We'll be with you shortly," he said. "Good job, young woman." He winked at her, proud that she stood up for herself. "Now go." He simply nodded his head, telling him to trust her. 

So, she did exactly that. But she couldn't stay in the castle while the members were under the roof of her home. She couldn't stay there knowing what was happening and decided to go to the one place where people treated her as who she was - only Sophie Adams.

Sophie ran to the stables and brought Thomas out after wishing Mr. Zahair a good afternoon. She fixed the saddles on the horse's back herself and the two of them made their way into the forest towards her place. Well, it wasn't exactly her place but it felt like that. It felt like an extension of home. 

Many people did not know that she was 'The Lost Legacy' to make sure of her safety until an official announcement could be made. But that didn't stop her from trying to hide it. She had spent her entire life finding her identity and after eighteen-years, someone was changing it entirely for her.

Change was an option she had given no place to rule in her life, but when the biggest truth of her life had been revealed, she would have to accept certain harsh truths. 

"Come on Thomas!"

She needed time to accept this. 

A lot of time.

The dream came back in flashes at exact moments of passing through the forests she had before as she ducked the branch of a tree that threatened to slam against her face. She took a deep breath thinking about the heavy weight that was pinning her to the ground. Her hands were bruised when she woke up, but that couldn't be because of the dream, not could it? Caspian would never hurt her. 

The part of her that was still afraid was telling her to trust herself. But how could she do that when she had to get comfortable with the idea of a whole new identity?

They reached the familiar part of the woods that she had visited countless number of times in the past four months. It felt natural to her when Thomas jumped over the fallen tree, and it was natural that it had come in her dreams. Fear could only be communicated through realms that the human mind can comprehend easily.

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