Chapter 10: A Wish's Impact

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The night was filled with questions and doubts. The air smelled of uncertainty as the young man and his teacher walked side by side towards the upper stables using the secret passageways inside the walls of the castle.

"Are you sure you need to leave?" 

"I simply must, Your Majesty. We finally have a lead that we can work on. Yours and mine are minds of curiosity that will never rest. I will be back in two months and if I don't-"

"Please don't say that."

The Professor looked at Caspian, who never left his side until the night he met the Narnians from the tales that he had only ever heard stories about. Seeing him grow up had been the Professor keeping his promise made to the mother who had pleaded for his safety, sacrificing her soul for it.

"I will be back by the end of the month, But in case I don't, here." He pulled out a parchment of paper. "They'll help you find the answers you require, my king. Do not open it otherwise. Burn it if you have keep the kingdom safe."

Caspian frowned at that particular request as he took the rolled up paper from him. "What is that supposed to mean?"

The Professor clamped Caspian's shoulder, perhaps for the last time if he wouldn't last the tough journey that awaited him. "You'll find out when the time is right."

What was it with paints and not blending when needed? 

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What was it with paints and not blending when needed? 

Sophie was working on the painting on the deal that she had made with the Telmarine King. It was coming along really well as far as she was concerned, but the flickering candle on her table kept distracting her. The presence of the moon and the stars were not helping as she needed to gaze at them in peace. 

It was almost midnight, which meant that it was almost time to go meet him.

She started to clear her bed when there was a knock on her door, making her turn her head towards it and frown. "Who could that be?" She whispered as she danced towards it, hating that she was liking the lessons. She opened the door with firm hands but exclaimed in surprise when she saw who it was. "Caspian!" 

He was standing outside with a lamp in his hand, completely aware of the time, for that was the most important reason he was there. "I am deeply sorry for coming here at this hour."

"Is everything okay? I was just about to come."

"This is for you." He handed her the pearl white-coloured card that was weighing him down as he considered his thoughts and intentions. She did not know who he was and he wouldn't want to change her life by what he was planning.

"What is it?" Sophie asked as she took it from him.

"It's....the first invitation to the ball."

She looked up at him with wide eyes. "Thank you! You didn't have to do that, you know?" She quickly walked to her bedside and placed the card against the vase that stood on the table. She admired the fonts under the moonlight that enlightened it.

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