Chapter 55 - Intuition

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"But we already knew that!" Ash exclaimed. "That's exactly why I want to get stronger so that I can defend the people that I care about!" He was growing tired of everyone talking about the threat and describing the potential damage that it could cause, and wanted to do something to stop it. "If I can talk to your brother and train under him, then he can teach me how to stop this thing instead of just being scared of it!" Ash was practically yelling at this point, scaring both Sanpei and Sycamore.

It was silent in the room for a moment, as Ash had said what needed to be said. "Got it," Sanpei said blankly. "I'll talk to my brother," he said as he entered back into the room. Ash took a deep breath and sat down in one of the makeshift chairs. Putting his hands on his face, he contemplated what had just happened. Why did I just explode like that? He thought to himself, not understanding his actions.

Ash heard some footsteps and a small creak indicating that Sycamore had sat in a chair near him. "Wanna talk about it?" Sycamore asked plainly, not wanting to disturb Ash in any way. "I don't know," Ash said honestly. "One second I feel great, the next, not so great." He kept his hands in his face as he spoke, not wanting to face Sycamore after that explosion.

"I get it, Ash," Sycamore said. "Suddenly getting thrown into this position where you're nearly expected to save the world is pretty jarring." Ash removed his hands from his face and looked at Sycamore, attentively listening. "Yeah, I guess," Ash whispered to himself. I've been in situations like these before, so why does this one feel so harrowing? He thought to himself.

"But it's not just that, is it?" Sycamore added, sensing that something else was weighing Ash down. Ash stared at Sycamore and nodded, slightly taken aback that the Professor had noticed it. "Is it about someone?" Sycamore guessed. Ash paused for a moment and nodded, keeping his mouth shut.

Sycamore softly smiled, but decided to not speak, as he had a feeling that whatever Ash was dealing with was extremely personal. "Look, all I'm saying is that you aren't obligated to do this," Sycamore explained. "There are hundreds of trainers out there who would be more than willing to defend the planet if it's too much for you. There's probably enough people-"

"No. I'm doing it," Ash interrupted, shocking Sycamore. "I made a promise to a few people, and I can't go back on that promise," Ash elaborated, knowing that his interruption was odd. He felt a slight burst of happiness that felt like someone else's emotions, which confused him immensely. Just like back on Dragonite and entering the village, he thought to himself, wondering what these certain moments meant.

"I understand," Sycamore responded to Ash's insistence to protect against the Zygarde Core. "Just know that there are many people who are willing to help out and have your back." Ash nodded and smiled. "Got it. Thanks," he said, leaning back in the chair. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked behind him, only to see that Lucario had placed his hand. Lucario sent out a message via Aura, to which Ash simply responded with, "I know. Olympia told me about it."

"Olympia told you about what?" Sycamore questioned Ash, who looked over and said, "Just something that Lucario wanted to know," earning Sycamore's curiosity. The door leading to the chief's meditating room opened, revealing Sanpei with a reluctant look on his face. "I have no clue why," Sanpei said, referring to his brother's request to see Ash in the room. "But the chief would like to see you now."

Ash nodded and stood up, telling his Pokemon, "Stay here while I go in." As Ash walked towards the door, Sanpei put out his hand and shook his head. "He also wants those two," he said while nodding towards Greninja and Lucario, who looked at each other before walking towards Ash, who thanked Sanpei and entered the room that held Ippei, Sanpei's brother and the current chief of the Ninja Village.

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