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War encroaches. It wraps its hands around our necks, leaving us dangling, gasping for air. Everyone feels it. Even the Narnian rulers are scared, though they try their best to hide their fears. I find myself less concerned with servants now and more concerned with fighting.

The rulers do not ask me to fight, and for this I am thankful. I wouldn't know the first thing about a battle. Evangeline is asked by Lucy to consider joining the front lines. Evangeline considers this, or at least, I think she does. She does not tell me her response. I would be surprised if she were to fight. Not that she is above it, but certainly that she feels above it.

Lucy trains. She tells me this is her first battle. She has a rapier which she uses, as well as a bow. She prefers knives but worries that she won't be able to fight with them. The army of Lumor, from what Evangeline and I tell the royals, fights with bows and broadswords. Only men are allowed to join, and they are more like trees than men, stocky and thick. Where the Narnians, like Lucy, have heart, the Conglomerate of Nations has steel and strength.

Queen Susan trains as well, but only with a bow and arrow. She is supposed to command the part of the infantry dealing with archery. She keeps suggesting that Lucy join her, from what Evangeline tells me. While Lucy seems content to join the others, and though Queen Susan would not admit it, it seems she wants Lucy by her side. For Lucy's safety or Queen Susan's, I cannot tell. I assume the former, but one should never assume anything about Queen Susan.

High King Peter is in and out of the war room. He trains when he can, but he is far too busy of a man. It's a pity because he is leading the cavalry. From what I understand, he is the best swordsman among all the Narnians. This might be because he is the only son of Adam amongst them. I don't imagine it is easy without feet to engage in combat. High King Peter knows this as well, which is why he is sending for aid from the south, praying that the Calormen might help us, though they usually are neutral in the face of war.

Edmund is in charge of foot soldiers. He trains with them, as soon as he is well, for hours and hours each day. He is a good swordsman, from what Evangeline tells me, though she claims that despite his practice he will always be overshadowed by his older brother. I'm sure Edmund feels it as well. I get few glances at him over the next few days. He is exhausted. He drags himself around, almost as if his feet have been sewn to the ground and with every step, he must rip asunder the seams.

The rulers collect themselves at the war room at the end of the week. I am not invited. I doubt that even if I claimed to be his daughter, I would be welcome. I know little about ruling. Despite my blood, I will always lack something they have. It is not only the nature of one's birth that gives them power, but also their blood status.

Evangeline reveals to me, after the fact, that they have agreed that King Bernard is too elderly to fight. His bones are frail and brittle. He has an early disease inside him. He was much older than his queen after all. As well as my mother.

"We're sending Paul to deliver a message to my father," Evangeline says. "Do you know Paul? He's being accompanied by John as well so that neither will be alone."

I know that Paul is a bird since I met him once. I assume that John is as well, but I do not ask. Instead, I wait a day for the message to return, asking to meet to discuss their options. King Bernard might agree, but it would be embarrassing for him to step down now. He cares deeply about his image. Hopefully he cares about his health more.

The next day, Lucy comes running into Evangeline's room, while I am inside. I am about to excuse myself when I notice her flush cheeks and her wet eyes.

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