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Since Princess Evangeline is still resting, Queen Lucy accompanies me to my fitting. There, a lady fawn greets me. I had always imagined satyrs to be taller. The one before me is rather short and has to use a stool to measure up to my shoulder properly.

We are in a specific room for clothing fittings. Commoners would be shocked to hear that there is such a thing in Narnia. Even Princess Evangeline has her fittings in her room. Here though, no luxury is too outlandish. Narnia is heavenly.

The walls are covered in ornate paintings of cherubs and flowers and clouds. No spot is without oil paint, no expense has been spared. The Narnians must pay a wealth of taxes to provide for their rulers, though none of them seem to mind. I would ask Queen Lucy if there has ever been word of rebellion if it weren't so crass. The situation in Lumor is precarious, fragile.

The easiest way to unite the people is to find a common enemy. Yet, wars are expensive. I suspect that this is the reason the King has given Princess Evangeline for her to be wed.

In reality, it is my vengeance which shall either lead the Narnians to launch a war or soothe the quells of violence in Lumor.

"What colour do you want the fabric?" Queen Lucy asks me. "I think purple would absolutely suit you."

I keep a straight face, though I want to crumble. Purple is the royal colour of Lumor. To wear such a fabric would be a bold statement. It would be to disavow the monarchy. I could never dream to do something so boorish. "I think something more subtle would suit me."

"Perhaps a light blue then?" she asks. "It would do so well to bring out your eyes!"

My eyes are easily mistaken for blue. Not so dark as Princess Evangeline's who are like the deep waters of an ocean, my eyes are actually grey, like the blade of a sword. Worse, like the ocean in a storm, threatening to capsize boats.

"Perhaps grey?" I suggest.

Lucy shakes her head. "Grey is such a dull colour. I hope, Theodosia, that your first dress is bold and bright!"

It cannot be. I am nothing if not dull. My brown hair is mousey, my nose and lips are small. Every part of me is pointy. People like Princess Evangeline are deserving of glorious dresses. She wears bright colours, and she has round curves.

"Perhaps a light blue," I suggest. "Or maybe a blush?"

Lucy nods her head. "Now we are getting somewhere. Light blue or blush. Did you get that Ornia? Bedazzle it!"

"Please, leave it subtle," I whisper as Queen Lucy squeals, hoping only the fawn, Ornia I assume, hears me. "Also, make it anything but velvet. I cannot stand the material."

Queen Lucy proceeds to run up to me and embraces me in a hug. "I'm sure Edmund will be so happy you are getting involved."

"He isn't the most, understanding of the way things are in Lumor," I point out.

Queen Lucy shrugs. "I don't understand why. Things are the same back home."

"In Spare Oom?" I ask.

She looks at me with a slightly furrowed brow and shakes her head, laughing.

I get dressed, and just as she is about to start her fitting, there is a knock on the door.

In enters High King Peter and Queen Susan. The two seem to be a solid unit. I have yet to see them separate in all my time here. I trust that Queen Susan must be the High King's most trusted political advisor. She seems much savvier than him, with her calm demeanour and soft words.

LOWBORN : Edmund PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now