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We make preparations to go to the castle. Princess Evangeline packs her summer wardrobe, and I prepare the few dresses I have, still thankful that they all have pockets.

I'm not sure when I am to poison his meal. I assume it shall be towards the end of our trip so that we can make a safe getaway. Maybe I should poison him the first night, while the carriages are still there, so we may sneak away into the darkness.

Am I prepared to go down for my nation? I ask myself this in the days before we leave, as I am bustling around the castle. When I dress Princess Evangeline, I ask myself if this is the last time I shall lace up her dress.

Meanwhile, Princess Evangeline chats my ear off. I try to pay attention, but I just can't. All she talks about is her grievances with King Edmund of Narnia, and how dreadful it will be to marry him. Normally, part of the job of being a lady-in-waiting is listening to the Princess's every musing. However, knowing what I know, it all seems so futile. So pointless.

In the carriage, she talks to me about what little she has learned of the rulers of Narnia. They were the first sons of Adam and daughters of Eve since Narnia's inception.

"What Kingdom are they from?" I ask her.

She looks at me and smiles. "Spare Oom."

How bizarre. "Never heard of it."

"It's not on any map," she explains. "They were transported here by Aslan's magic. That is what the rumours say. Father doesn't like when I learn about rumours. He says it's unbecoming."

Her father is also encouraging, no demanding, that I commit a regicide. He seems a bit inconsistent in his values, having raised a boisterous and pompous son, and a docile and giggly daughter. While I have always been neutral on the King, I have always regarded his children highly, even if Prince Augustus was a bit rude at times.

Who am I to have an opinion of the royals?

"Have you ever left Lumor before, Theodosia?" Princess Evangeline asks.

I almost laugh, but I'm in her presence, and I don't dare offend her. "When would I have, Princess Evangeline?"

We spent all our days growing up together. Though she had another lady-in-waiting before I came of age, I was always at the castle, working under my mother. In the kitchen, the stables, where ever they would have me. As soon as I could walk, I was serving the King, as was my mother before me. Both her parents were servants, and though my mother had me out of wedlock, she was allowed to keep me by the graces of the King.

I owe King Bernard everything that I have.

If I weren't avenging his son for my own benefit, I'd have to do it for King Bernard.

"Don't call me Princess," she insists. "Call me Evangeline."

I scoff, this time I can't help it. She's on this again. I can't stop her when she goes on this tirade. "Okay, your royal highness."

"I'm serious," she says. "We are equals. Especially here, where the Narnians are much more casual than we are."

I raise an eyebrow. "You're sure?"

"Of course!" she says. "At the ball where... where we first encountered the Narnians, Queen Lucy introduced herself simply as Lucy of Narnia. If it weren't for the ballgown, I might have thought her a maid!"

How odd. Maybe it's a tradition of Spare Oom. I wouldn't even introduce myself as Theodosia of Lumor. I am Theodosia, lady-in-waiting to the future Queen of Lumor. "Remind me, Lucy is the youngest sister of the High King Peter."

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