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Edmund Pevensie didn't make a habit of being late, except to anger his older sister. As he walked through the halls, in the tunic he had worn a few years ago, slightly too big then but fitting well, he felt nothing but dread. There was a war brewing, and in part, Edmund was responsible.

He entered the room, and though he wanted to drop his jaw he kept it still. Though his brother was much better at holding his emotions in, Edmund had learned how to bottle himself in his years as King of Narnia. However, his eyes still betray him. It is for that reason his pupils grew when he sees his two older siblings at the round table, without any advisors present.

"What is going on?" Edmund asks. He stands behind his chair, refusing to sit down.

"We must discuss the ongoing crisis with Lumor," his sister Susan says. She sits with her hands folded perfectly in her lap, and her head tilted at the slightest of angle. Edmund remarks that it is the only thing about Susan to be crooked in years.

Edmund rolls his eyes. "It's hardly my fault."

"You killed a man!" Peter shouts. His brother takes in a big breath, one balled fist slamming down against the table.

Edmund freezes. He hadn't meant to kill anyone. "What do you mean?"

"Prince Augustus died of his injuries after the duel," Susan says. She raises a hand and lowers it as if to cool down Peter herself.

"Aslan's mane," Edmund sighs. He looks down at his lap, shaking his head. It is not his first time killing someone. After all, he has fought in battle before. However, he never thought he would bring about the demise of someone innocent, albeit, incredibly stupid. "I didn't... It was an accident. He shouldn't have insulted Lucy's purity."

Peter tenses. He looks down at the ground. Though his cheeks are still red with anger, he softens at the mention of Lucy.

"It hardly matters what's been done," Susan points out. "What matters now is that King Bernard is threatening war and we must fix it."

"How?" Edmund looks between the two of them. He looks between the two of them. "Are you going to turn me over to Lumor?"

"Hardly," Peter says. "Even if I'd like to give you up."

Susan scrunches her nose at her older brother. "Lumor is offering a treaty. There will not be blood if you can take Princess Evangeline's hand in marriage."

Edmund's memory of Evangeline is vague. She bored him. While sweet and kind, and beautiful of course, she was far too naive for Edmund's liking. Overall, pleasant. Just not the kind of person one hopes to spend the rest of their lives beside.

He stares at his two siblings. It seems, as always, they have decided for him. His head shakes back and forth before he finally takes a seat. "I have to do this?"

"Yes," Peter says, his voice firm. Peter strokes the stubble on his chin. Ever since his beard has been coming in, he has been even more strong-willed than usual. He strokes the stubble on his chin, his eyes lining up with Edmund's. "You must."

"If not, there will be war," Susan reiterates. She looks to Edmund, and he waits to see a falter in her face, a glimmer of hope. However, Susan has never been one for dreaming.

"When?" Edmund asks. Since the others don't answer, he presses on. "When am I to marry her?"

"At the end of this summer," Peter says.

Susan leans forward. "Princess Evangeline is coming to spend the summer at Cair Paravel. Once the summer is over-"

"I'm supposed to propose, I get it," Edmund takes a deep breath. He cannot believe he has gotten himself into this predicament.

"Don't be mad at us," Peter says. "This is your bed you've made. You should never have duelled King Bernard's son."

Edmund cannot believe his rotten luck. "Does Lucy know?"

When neither of them responds, Edmund has his answer. No one told Lucy. Perhaps Lucy does not even know that Prince Augustus is dead. Edmund knows the reason for their secrecy. She'll side with him, leaving it two against two. A stalemate.

There is a chance, however, that Lucy could be swayed in their favour. She hates war, even more than the rest of one, and back when the first war happened, Lucy was too little to fight. Now, she could be forced into battle.

Edmund thinks about his little sister, in armour, armed only with a dagger and a horse. No, he cannot do that to her.

This is his only option. To be wed, in a few short months, to a complete ditz. He needs to cool off.

With that, he leaves the room.


Well, this is exciting for me! I have had this in my back pocket for a tiny bit of time, and I'm excited to get it out into the world. I hope you are all just as interested in attending this journey! 

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