Chapter 1

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"Thank god it's Friday! This week has been horrid, especially today." I thought to myself. "It's only been four months since school started but I'm already looking forward to June." I looked over at Olivia, my friend since kindergarten. She usually talks my ear off everyday on these long walks from school. "You look tired." I said trying to break the stretching silence. "I didn't think freshman year would be so rough. In eighth grade, we only got one or two assignments. Now we get one or two hours worth." "It would help if you didn't wait till nine o'clock to start you assignments." "And sacrifice video games? No thank you, it can wait."
"Those stupid video games are going to rot your brain! Do they even have a point?" "Well, sorta. You just wouldn't understand. In this one video game there's this really hot super hero!"
"Don't be fooled," I said,"guys aren't all what they're cracked up to be."
"Uh oh," she turned to face me with that smirk she gets when she's about to star teasing. "What happened to your lover boy?" "You mean Kay? And he's not my lover boy!" I hated it when Olivia stuck her nose in my love life. Like she would understand, she never had a boyfriend. "I saw him at lunch he seemed pretty upset. What happened? Did you dump him? Did he dump you? Why'd you two break up? I thought you two really hit it off." I wish she would cut the act. She never cared for Kay Hablar, not even a little. She was always telling me that he gave her the creeps and that she thought he was bad news. "I broke up with him because he was getting super crazy. Like, he didn't want me to go anywhere without him. He would get ridiculously angry if I even looked in the general direction of a guy. And he got ,like, very clingy." "I always thought he was bad news, but did you listen? No, no one listens to good ol' Olivia Steuben! So when did this start?" She had that look on her face. You could tell she couldn't wait to hear this story and share it with the rest of Nevada. "Monday, it started on Monday." Okay, what happened on Monday?" I don't know if she noticed the red glow on my cheeks. I was embarrassed but I knew if I didn't tell her now, she would ask everyone at school until she found her answer. "I ..... Might have.... Probably...... May or may not have....kissed him." "Petra! What is wrong with you, you know better! You've only been dating for two weeks! He's sixteen! You're fourteen! Where has you mind gone?" "No where." "Are you sure? I think you lost it!" "What's the big deal? Couples kiss, it's part of life deal with it." She took off her glasses which she would do when she gets frustrated. "Whatever, just text me when your mother is finished killing you for it. My house is coming up. See you on Monday." I don't usually leave Olivia's sight when she's angry but, I wanted to get home and pretend Kay never existed. Unfortunately, I didn't know id be seeing a lot of Kay this weekend. As I walked past my mail box with rosenfeld painted on it, I tried to tell myself that the rest of my day would be just fine if I forgot about school, Kay, and Olivia's nonsense.

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