The Moment I've Been Waiting For

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My name is Stella Skye. I don't know what my last name is since I'm an orphan. I've been an orphan my whole life. I turn 8 later this year, which means I'm 7 now.

I am a huge Swiftie! Taylor Swift has gotten me through everything that has happened to me. I've been in seven foster homes. 1 per year. At least the orphanage owner tries to keep it that way. Sometimes I'll go to more depending on how many families want me.

Each place was worse than the next. Some thought they were ready for a kid, but they weren't, some abused me, and one or two of them already had a kid or two who didn't want another kid in the family. I have ADHD and anxiety, which adds to the scenarios. But that doesn't matter right now.

This is it! Today is the day! I'm going to see Taylor Swift in concert! At 4:00 PM, Ms. Wilson, the orphanage owner, is dropping me off at the Rose Bowl Stadium! Taylor Swift's Reputation album is tied with 1989 for the place of my favorite album!

Now, I know what you're thinking. 1. How on Earth did a 7-year-old save up for this? 2. Who in the world would let a 7-year-old go to a concert by themself? Well, let me answer those for you. The government funds certain things, charity funds certain things, and I've had a decent amount of lemonade stands every summer.

I am one of five kids at the orphanage, and the other six are all older than me, ranging from 11-17. Ms. Wilson trusts me to be safe and make smart decisions. Besides, I have a phone for emergencies and to not be off the grid.

I am wearing a Taylor Swift t-shirt I got on Etsy just in case I don't buy one there, I'm also wearing black leggings, and I am going to wear tennis shoes. I have tons of glow sticks in my bag to try to meet Taylor in the Rep Room.

I am dancing around my bedroom at the orphanage, which I thankfully don't have to share. I am dancing to Welcome to New York by Taylor Swift, one of my top three all-time favorite songs.

I am an amazing dancer. And I'm not just saying that because I want to. Everyone always tells me that. My dance teachers always use me as the example in their classes because I have such good form. Dance is my sport which the government funds. I love it! It's my favorite thing to do! Well, one of my favorite things to do.

The song ends. And I smile at my reflection in my mirror. That song makes me so happy.

"Stella! Time to go!" shouts Ms. Wilson from downstairs. "Coming!" I shout back, more than ready for the night of my life.

I grab my backpack, which has my glow sticks, my sign that I made, my souvenir money, my phone charger, a jean jacket just in case it gets cold, and anything else I might need.

I go downstairs as fast as I can. I get to the bottom of the stairs and put my tennis shoes on without untying the laces from school earlier.

As I walk over to Ms. Wilson so we can leave Grayson, the orphanage bully stops me. "Where are you going, brat?" he says with venom dripping from every word. "I'm going out for the night," I say, a little shakily. "Grayson," says Ms. Wilson. He shoots me a dirty look, and I stick my tongue out at him, and he retreats upstairs to his room. "You ready to go?" asks Ms. Wilson.

"Never been more ready!" I say. "Let's go then!" says Ms. Wilson. I basically run to her car, which is parked outside. I get in the back seat and buckle in before she even gets to the car. She gets in and buckles in, and we're off!

We listen to Taylor Swift the whole way. It's not too far since we live in the valley of LA. We arrive after what feels like forever and a short amount of time at the same time.

"Okay. You have everything you need. Right? Tickets, jacket, backpack, phone charger..." says Ms. Wilson. "Ms. Wilson, I have everything!" I say. "Okay then. Go have the night of your life and call me when it's time to pick you up," says Ms. Wilson. "I will!" I say as I get out of the car. I wave to her, and she drives away. I take a deep breath as I take in the stadium in all its glory.

Then I wait in line to check in. It takes like an hour or so but no big deal. I got here really early on purpose. It bums me out a little watching other kids with their family and friends. But, at this point, I'm used to it.

I get to the front of the line and show them my ticket. They look it over and tell me where my seat is. They also said that the stadium isn't open for another hour or so. I nod and go to check out the merch.

There is a long merch line which makes sense. I mean, it's Taylor Swift's concert. Of course, there's gonna be long lines. I finally get to the front and get a gray t-shirt with the Reputation album cover on it. After paying for it, I step out of line, and I walk to a bathroom to change shirts. I find an open stall, change shirts, and stuff the other shirt in my backpack. I leave the bathroom, and since I ate dinner before coming, that spares me from waiting in the food lines. I look at the time on my phone, and the stadium should be open now.

I walk to the entrance closest to my seat. I arrive there a few minutes later. I have a great seat! It's not on the ground, but it's not too high either. I take a picture of where my seat is with my phone. Then I take a backward selfie of me with the stage in the background. It's right about sunset time. I see other people cracking their glow sticks, and I sit down and pull mine out and do the same. I connect them to make a necklace, lots of bracelets that go all the way up my forearm, and I use a few as a headband. I take a selfie like that. I'll get a better one when it gets dark.

I am so excited I am almost bouncing in my seat. I see videos appear on the jumbotrons, and extra excitement builds in me. I watch as thousands of people file into the stadium. It's a little intimidating, but this is such a cool experience that it doesn't matter that I'm alone.

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