Chapter 24

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Chris Pov

Savy : Chris come down stairs

Jamila : what's up cousin

What up long time no see what you been up to

Jamila : nothing much I was on my way to hoop

I heard you about to go to college I know you got scholarships pouring in

Jamila : yea something like that

You know what I'm come with you to hoop I need to get out of here

Jamila : ok let's go

Mom I'm going with Jamila

Savy : wait dinner is almost ready

Just text us when it's done

Chris and Jamila get in the car

Now cut the crap out Jamila

Jamila: what you mean

You don't seem like yourself

Jamila: you know I appreciate your mom
when I got out of juvenile detention my own mom didn't want me but your mom took me in but she putting a lot of press on me cause all these schools want me

it's your life at the end of the day you got to make the choice don't let my moms make it for you

Jamila: thanks cuz

Plus you like the golden child now she still got beef with me

Jamila: trust me I know but your Snapchat story though who was that girl

Oh you talking about Ken we just chilling nothing serious you know what I mean

Jamila: wait so you mean your virgin ass talked to a girl

Well I ain't no virgin no more

Jamila: dam I didn't think you had it in you to be a player but that's why you my cousin it runs in the family

That is a fact but I'm about to whoop you at your own game

Jamila: man Chris you know you can barley dribble

Nah I'm prove you wrong just watch .

Picture of Jamila

Ami Pov Dam I can't believe she just put him on blast On live with thousands of people

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Ami Pov
Dam I can't believe she just put him on blast On live with thousands of people

Amari : he deserves it I'm just call her to check on her

I'm about to head to class

Amari : they wouldn't let you out her class

Actually I forged her signature so I'm going to her new class

Amari: she's gonna be mad

Well shoot she's one of the reasons me and Chris got locked up but I'm see you after class

As Ami was heading to her class Stacy sees her and drags her into the nearest class room

Stacy : so you forged my signature and got out of my class

Stacy  what we have going on between us will never work it was never going to work plus why out your job at risk

Stacy : when you love someone you take risk

Love!!!!???? (In my Souja boy voice) you don't even know my full name

Stacy : yes I do it's Ami Devon Reynolds

Dam you are good but still we can't do this

Stacy : you will be back in my class watch and see I always get what I want
Stacy storms out the room

Dam it always gotta be the crazy girls that be so fine almost had me about to risk it all

Chris Pov

I'm getting better I almost beat you

Jamila: I beat you by ten points

You say ten I say two

Jamila : we back auntie

Savy : about time come eat

Jamila: I made a decision cuz

What you chose

Savy : come eat and don't make me say it again

Jamila and Chris sit at the table

Savy : did your cousin tell you about all the scholarships she got for basketball

Jamila: yes about that I made a decision

Savy : oh really what is it is it duke or is it Kentucky but I ain't gonna lie Georgetown was good to

It's the college Chris is at

Savy : WHAT!!!!! Are you serious

Yea I looked at it cause they gave me a offer and it's a nice school

Savy : they are a no name university you not gonna get barley any notice

Jamila: I just got to put in the work to be noticed

Savy : did your cousin influenced your decision

Jamila: I made it all in my own

Savy ; I think it's time to take you back to the dorm

Jamila: bye cuz I'll see you tomorrow at the college

Alright bet
Skip to chris and her mom in front of the college

Savy : I know you said something

I didn't you got to realize we not kids we can make our own decisions mom and you been trying to control my life since I was a teenager I'm living my life the way I want to you should let Jamila live hers
Chris gets out the car and savy drives home in silence

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