???: Who are you.

PU: I'm Professor Untonium 

???: Hello professor.

PU: So what's your name.

???: You made me so you can choose my name.

PU: Ah yes I forgot hm… how about Bolt. Yes little Bolt.

Bolt: Ha ha.

PU: Come along Bolt, it 's time to meet your sister's.

Bolt: Sister's?

They started to walk out of the lab.

PU: Yes your sister's.

He goes up to their room and knocks on the door.

PU: Girls I have a surprise for you.

Girls: Coming professor.

Blossom opens the door in her night gown since almost time for bed.

Girls: Yes professor.

PU: Girls I have a very special surprise for you.

Bubbles: What is it professor?

He moves out of the way to introduce Bolt.

PU: This is Bolt.

Bolt: *Shyly* Hi.

The girls stare at him for a little bit.

Buttercup: Who's he.

PU: This is your new brother.

Girls: Brother?

They all stare at Bolt and Bolt stared at them back. 


They all squeezed and tackled Bolt for a hug.

Blossom: I always wanted a brother.

Bubbles: Hi Bolt I'm Bubbles.

Buttercup: I can't wait for the great times we're gonna have.

He was blushing for all the attention he was getting but smiled never ale's. They all pulled him into the room.

Blossom: This is our room which is now your room.

They showed him around the room with Blossom reading to him, Bubbles and him playing with her dolls, and Buttercup let him watch some cartoons with her.

It was finally time for bed and the professor came into the room.

PU: Kids it's time for bed.

All: Awww 

Bubbles: But we were having fun playing with Bolt.

PU: Girls you know it's a school night.

Bolt: School?

Blossom: You're gonna love school.

Bubbles: We get to learn a lot there.

Buttercup: And it's so much fun.

PU: And if you want to let him see it you're gonna have to go to sleep.

The girls immediately got into bed. Bolt was about to hop in when the professor stopped him.

PU: First you have to put these on.

He holds up some pajamas with a lightning bolt on it. Bolt put it on and tried to get on the bed but couldn't reach.

Blossom: Try flying up here.

Bolt then flew into his side of the bed which now had a yellow side, they all said their goodnights and went to and went to sleep.

Powerpuff Girls and Boy (A Spark Of A Family)Where stories live. Discover now