N- Plus, the suitcases are already ready and in the car in case your water broke in the week.

W- Okay.

I put her long, big pillow between her legs and I put the pillow under his head.

Y/n- Rest, darling.

I kiss her forehead as she closes her eyes. Natasha kisses her in turn and we leave the room to let her sleep.

We are at the door.

Y/n- Do you think it's coming soon?

N- Yes. And it will be very soon. I made searches and everything suggests that it's this.

Your heart is beating. You feel nervous and stressed. You don't want that to happen but on the other hand you really want to see your child come into the world.

Natasha cups face and trying to get your attention to her.

N- Hey, look at me. It's alright okay ? We will do everything we can to make sure everything is fine, relax.

I close my eyes and breathe out for a long time trying to calm down.

N- Yeah, like that, breathe.

I take her in my arms and put my face in her neck.

Y/n- Thank you. I try to stay calm in front of Wanda so as not to make her nervous.

N- I know, me too.

She strokes my hair. We are stopped by Nat's phone vibrating.

Natasha takes out her phone when suddenly I see Buddy coming towards us.

Y/n- Oh hi Buddy !

He has grown up well, I don't see him very often because we wanted to wait for the childbirth so we gave him to Steve until the birth.

I take him in my arms and he licks my face. I look at Nat and she looks worried.

Y/n- Natalia ? Is everything okay ?

N- Yeah it's just... look.

She shows me the phone screen.



Can you come and open the
door for me please?


Who is this ?


Come open the door and you'll
see ;)


Y/n- Well, should you go open the door?

N- What if it's Serena ?

Y/n- I don't think so, it's not been long enough. We are at peace until childbirth I'm sure of it.

N- Okay.

She strokes Buddy's head.

Y/n- Don't you know who that could be?

We head for the front door which is quite far. I put Buddy on the floor and he runs to the bedroom.

N- I don't know. I don't remember giving my number to anyone.

Once in front of the door. Natasha opens the door and stands frozen in front of the blonde with green eyes. Magnificent beauty, a small nose, beautiful lips and a beautiful smile with bewitching eyes.

N- Oh. My. God.

Y/n- Holy hell.

The woman's gaze turns to me and she looks confused. She looks at me from head to toe and smiles. 

?- Well. You are very lucky Nat. Beauty like this is not easy to find.

N- And yet, I found two like that.

She says with a smile as I am lost.

Y/n- Uh... Hi ?

N- Oh hum.. yeah this is my sister.. Yelena.

Y/n- Holy shit! If I didn't love you and Wanda I would have kissed her already.

Yelena chuckles lightly as Nat gives me a look that tells me it sucks as a joke.

Y/n- I love you too Natalia.

She can't help but smile. She lets Yelena in and Yelena admires.

Y- Wow, Ебена мать (holy shit) It's gigantic here! You live here ?

N- Yeah with Y/n, Wanda, there's Carol too and Steve.

Y- Are you in a relationship with everyone ?!

Natasha laughs and I can't help but laugh too.

N- No, only with the two most beautiful women in the world.

She takes my hand and gives me a loving smile.

Y- Oh my god, too much love for me here. It seems to me that one of your two wives is having a baby.

N- Yep. Wanda but she is resting, we will go see her later.

Y- Кто отец? Представьте, что он возвращается, чтобы забрать ребенка !
(Who is the father? Imagine him coming back to pick up the baby!)

N- Yelena... Y/n understands Russian.

Y- Oh. Well, cool, so ?

Y/n- We don't know anything about the father. It was anonymous and we live it well.

Y- Okay. If he comes back I'm gonna kick his ass.

We laugh a little and go into the living room.


I was asked to bring in Yelena so there you go 😁

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