Chapter 32: The 25 Minute Date

Start from the beginning

Albus's eyes widened. "God, you might be right! Ugh, I'm such an idiot for not figuring that out!" Then he slumped onto the couch and put his head in his hands. He was such a drama queen sometimes.

Scorpius sat down beside his best friend. "You're not an idiot, Al. You just don't use your head sometimes."

"Gee, you're great at advice. Thanks." Albus mumbled into his hands, making Scorpius smirk. Joking around sometimes worked with Albus, sometimes it didn't.

"You're welcome. I try," Scorpius joked, patting Albus's back. Then he had another thought occur to him. "Hey, where's Rose?"

Albus lifted his head off of his hands. "She's still upstairs getting ready. I suppose she wanted to look decent for you."

But Rose always looked decent. Heck, if Rose was going through this much trouble today to look good, there's no telling how pretty she's going to be when she comes down those stairs. Scorpius gulped.

"Hey, guys," said Rose from behind the two boys, emerging from the stairs. Scorpius spun around and his jaw almost dropped to the floor.

Rose was wearing all white. Literally, her whole outfit was white. She wore one of those puffy coats, except white, although the coat's puffiness wasn't extreme like Holly's. It actually made Rose look pretty amazing. Her jeans were white, as well as her beanie that was pulled over her usual red frizzy hair. The whiteness of Rose's clothes and the fiery red of her hair went excellent together.

Scorpius thought she looked like an angel.

"Um...y-you look n-nice, Rose," Scorpius spluttered out, making Albus snort beside him and collapse on the couch in silent chuckles. Scorpius ended up punching him in the leg.

Rose smiled. Did she whiten her teeth? "Thank you, Scor."

Scorpius just wanted to go up to Rose and kiss her. But that could wait until they were at Hogsmeade.

"Are we all ready to go?" Rose asked the boys, grabbing her bag.

"I think so. Wait, what about Holly?" Scorpius said.

"I'll go talk to her," Albus replied. "You two go on ahead."

Scorpius and Rose's eyes met and they shrugged. Well, it could just be a date for the two of them now. The two of the them linked hands and they left the common room, making their way to the exit of Hogwarts and following the group going to Hogsmeade. Scorpius shivered from the cold wind, really wishing he did bring an extra layer of clothing. He ended up guiding Rose into the Three Broomsticks to warm up with glasses of butterbeer.

"I missed this," Rose said, her eyes looking around the busy Three Broomsticks, nearly every table filled with groups of teenage wizards.

Scorpius remembered all the times he and his friends came here during every Hogsmeade weekend. They'd get the same table every time by the fireplace, ordering the same butterbeers every time. It was like a tradition for them. It was even the place where Scorpius and Rose had their first, and very awkward, date. The two of them still laugh about it every time they come here.

"Remember on our first date here when you spilled butterbeer on my shirt?" Rose asked, giggling.

"How could I forget when you keep reminding me?" Scorpius teased. For such a stupid memory, he'd never forget it.

"And when you spilled butterbeer on yourself?" Rose added, smirking.

Scorpius laughed. He was such as klutz. "Yes, that too."

"And when you spilled butterbeer on-"

"Yes, I know, I spilled a lot of butterbeer that day," Scorpius blushed. He was just glad that first date was behind them.

Rose set her hand on top of Scorpius's. He couldn't help but admire her flushed cheeks and red nose from the cold. The wind had also blown her hair quite a bit, so it was even frizzier. Scorpius still found her gorgeous though.

"I'm so glad you're mine," Scorpius whispered, caressing Rose's cold hand with his thumb.

Rose smiled and blushed. "And I'm glad you're mine."

It wasn't much longer before Albus and Holly arrived, with Albus free of that disastrous tomato-red coat, but Scorpius and Rose had an amazing 25 minute date.

~ ~ ~

So this is a lot better now that my writer's block is gone haha :p

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Also, if you're a fan of my book Mutation, turn the page to see something exciting! :)

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