Chapter 12

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A few days later, Meredith and Derek were once again, cuddle together sleeping.  Meredith's head was resting on Derek's chest while his arm was wrapped around her waist. Derek's eyes suddenly popped open, and he watched Meredith move slightly up and down, their breathing synchronized.  After a long period of time, he reached down and gently shook her awake. Meredith's eyes fluttered open and made contact with his. 

"Hmm?" She asked sleepily.

He paused a few seconds, wondering exactly what he wanted to say. Meredith stared curiously at the strange look on his face. Then the words came to him. "You're my best friend." Meredith smiled at him, knowing what the words meant. He bent down and kissed her lightly on the cheek, then went back to sleep, her following suite. 

The next morning, his words were forgotten by Meredith. They did their normal routine. Derek woke up first, made her breakfast, got dressed and ready, then sat next to her in her bed, reading the newspaper as she ate her waffles. Once she was done, Derek rose from the bed, grabbed her plate and brought it down to the kitchen to wash. He then walked back to the bedroom.

"My shift starts in half an hour so I should go." He said.

"Okay." Meredith smiled. "I'll be in later" 

Derek walked to her side of the bed, bent down, and kissed her cheek. "Okay." He said as he made his way out of her bedroom and out of the house. Suddenly Meredith remembered the night before, his words and their meaning. She climbed out of bed and ran out of the house, catching Derek outside on the sidewalk. Meredith flung her arms around him, and kissed him deeply. "You're my best friend too."

Derek kissed her again, with the same force. "I love you." 

"I love you too." She said, kissing him for the third time. She then pulled away from him, fixing the buttons on his coat. "Have a good time at work." She grinned. 

"Okay." He smiled.

"Okay." She smiled back him. Then she pecked his lips once again, and returned back to the house. Before she stepped in, she turned around to look at him. He was still standing exactly where she left him, smiling wildly at her. "Go to work!" She yelled.

"Okay!" He yelled back, without moving.

"Go!" She said again. He finally turned around, the grin still plastered on his face.


They were doing rounds, he had to focus, but for some reason he just couldn't. His mind was still fixated on the happenstances of this morning. 

"Dr. Shepherd." He heard in the back of his mind, but he ignored the voice. Derek was too busy replaying the scene. Meredith, his Meredith, telling him she loved him. He now understood it all. Why people lost their minds, fought wars, spent lifetimes trying to put this feeling into words. It was amazing. It made life worth living. 

"Dr. Shepherd!" He heard once again. This time he was snapped out of his trance. 

"What?" He asked with wide eyes.

"Are you listening?" Dr. Bailey asked with a judgmental eyebrow raise.

"No, sorry I was just- sorta lost in thought- I guess it could be considered day dreaming but yea I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I just have a lot going through my mind right now, it's all a bit jumbled up. But patients are important and I need to know this stuff so I can be a doctor. I mean- I technically already am a doctor which you know since you just called me 'Doctor Shepherd'.  So obviously you know I am a doctor but I need to learn so that I can be a resident and attending who can help patient on my own--" He rambled on. After a few minutes of nonsense leaving his mind, he finally looked around the room at his coworkers who were all gaping at the usually silent man.  "Sorry."

"Are you alright Dr. Shepherd?" Bailey asked, now in a concerned tone.

"I'm great." Derek replied with a smile on his face.

"Great?" Bailey questioned.

"I am in love." Derek replied, causing Bailey to roll her eyes and shake her head. She lead the rest of the interns out of the room, and when none of them could see her face, she smiled. 

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