Chapter 11

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It had been snowing for days now. Usually in Seattle, it snowed a little, then turned to slush, or it sleeted, or just rained. But for the past three days, it had been snowing. There was close to a foot of white snow on the ground. Which meant car accidents. The drivers in Seattle were experts when it came to driving in the rain, but when there was crunchy snow beneath their tires, all hell broke loose. 

So for the past forty-eight hours, Meredith and Derek had been at the hospital, tending to the injured drivers and passengers who were victims of the weather. They had worked until they legally couldn't anymore. But they weren't allowed to go home. Their residents had informed them that they couldn't risk their lives driving in these conditions. However, Meredith rolled her eyes at that thought. She was from Boston, where there was at least a few inches on the ground at all times from the months of October through April. Some years even going into May. But alas, they were stuck. 

So instead of being in their warm beds, or more likely, Meredith's warm bed, they were cuddled together, sleeping on gurney in the basement. It seems that every other doctor, nurse, and hospital worker had the same idea of trying to sleep so the on-call rooms were filled to the brim. 

"Mmm." Meredith let out as she yawned awake. She slowly moved her hand through Derek's thick curly hair, gently waking him.

"What time is it?" Derek tiredly mumbled, his chin resting on the top of Meredith's head.

Meredith moved slightly to get a glance at her wrist, "eight." She answered.

"AM or PM" Derek asked.

Meredith giggled. "PM. Is it still snowing?" Suddenly, there was a large crack and all the lights in the hallway became pitch black. Meredith jumped at the sudden darkness. 

"My guess, yes." Derek answered. He grasped Meredith's hand and then sat up. 

"Fuck!" Meredith exclaimed. "Of fucking course. We are in a fucking basement with no god damned light or even window."

"Relax." Derek said, trying to sooth her.

"What do you mean relax? I can't see a god damned thing!" Meredith snapped. 

"Well then let's try and get out of here." Derek suggested. 

"And how do you suggest we do that?"  Meredith snarked causing Derek to roll his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me!" Meredith ordered.

"How did you even know I rolled my eyes?" Derek laughed with a chuckle.

"I just could." Meredith glared, and even though Derek couldn't see it, he was well aware of her glaring. 

"Come on." Derek gestured, gently pulling on her hand indicating for her to walk with him. They slowly made their way to where Derek was pretty sure the door was. He groped around until he felt the handle beneath his hands, then pressed the door forward. They made their way up the staircase until they were in a main hallway. The hallway was dimly lit and packed full of people running around in a panic.

"God." Meredith groaned at the sight.

Derek shook his head, and turned around. He pulled her towards an exit. Once they were outside, Meredith immediately began to shiver at the cold. Derek pulled her into a hug, placing her arms under his lab coat and wrapping his own arms around her body for warmth. 

"What are we doing?" Meredith asked.

"I don't know." Derek thought for a second then added, "Dancing."  He began to sway back and forth to the unheard music. After a few minutes, he looked up and saw faces he recognized pressed up against the window, solemnly watching them, as if they were figurines dancing round and round in a snow globe. 

(Okay, 2 more chapters! it seems right that since this is heavily based on a taylor swift song that it would have 13 chapters) 

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