Blueberry & Cherry - Kai

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Your POV;)

"Has your brother said anything to you lately? Like about me?" I asked Winter.

Winter looked up from her laptop slowly. She has been focused on her school so much lately.

"No, he hasn't spoken to me at all really." She responded as she pulled her hair into a low pony tail.

You bit your nails nervously.

"Why?" Asked Winter.

You fidgeted with your rings as you stared at your feet.

"He's been distant. He hasn't called or texted. He barely talks to me anymore. He didn't even show up for our Friday coffee."

Winter grabbed your hand softly and rubbed the edge with her thumb.

"Hey, don't worry. He does this sometimes. He'll be back to normal by tomorrow I guarantee it." She said with a smile.

I put my other hand on top of hers.

"I honestly wouldn't be here without you Winter. I've been extremely close to cutting my own bangs too many times." I said with a small laugh.

Winter smiled.

"Where is Kai anyways?" You asked.

"At the gym I think. He's been going there a lot lately."



You've always loved driving. Especially at night. The city lights created a great show as you passes. Rolling your windows down and feeling the cool air hit your face feels so good.

Your favorite radio station blared through the car speakers as you drove down the highway.

"This is 87.3 Vibes. It's a cool night in Brookfield Heights. I have just the song for tonight. This is Where Is My Mind by Pixies."

(This means you play the song bestie)

You turned the volume up.

"Oh fuck yes!" You said as your favorite song rang through your ears.

Suddenly, you felt your phone buzz. You picked it up.


You answered.

"Y/N services, how may I help you?"

"It's Kai."

You smiled softly.

"Duh, What do you need?" You responded.

"Uhm can you come to the CVS on Glensdale?" He said softly.

"Yeah. Is something wrong?" You said with concern.

"No, yes, I don't know."

Your face shifted with confusion.

"Okay, I'll be there in 10."

"Thank you, Y/N."

"No problem." You said.

He hung up.

"That was weird." You said to yourself.


The drive wasn't long. You got there sooner than you thought. You pulled up next to the curb. You pulled out your phone and texted Kai.

'I'm here.'

No response.

A loud thud hit your window. You jumped and looked over to see Kai at your window. You opened the door, almost hitting him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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