7 - The Beginning Of The End

Start from the beginning

"I must say this is such an amazing outfit, thank you." he said, looking at the mirror.

The tailor nods, "no problem, your highness."

The tailor leaves, leaving the prince to his thoughts and himself.

This very day should be a delightful day for each royal but for some reason, something in George's body just didn't sit well with the idea or the day.

It might just be the that he has social anxiety.

It might just be the fact that his mental state hasn't settled with the idea yet.

But, nonetheless, he felt off.

DreamXD on the other hand was up in the clouds with the very god that had warned him about the future, "he says he feels off"

Arson groaned, "XD it's lovely that you acknowledge the fact that you love him and flirted with him while being so anxious but I said all I could say last time we met. If you have any problems with me by the end of the day or week, speak it with Oceania."

It watched as she waved their hand over a shadow like black fog cat sitting on their shoulders, "I want to speak with you in person if something happens. Not with some...shadow"

They shook their head, "XD this chat has been lovely but I am busy myself. I have other things to tend to other than your questions and needs. I am deeply sorry about that but, it's the truth."

DreamXD sat silent, only a nod coming from it as it watched them a few moments later disappear, going to tend with their matters.

Down on the planet, in the main church of Kinoko, are people sitting in the chairs and others getting everything ready for the coronation while waiting for the heir.

In fact, everyone in Kinoko and mostly the SMP was getting ready to either see George get crowned with their own eyes or hear it by the radio before heading to the party.

The prison of the SMP, nearby nations and lands were being left unarmed(except that there are guardians there). And a certain prisoner couldn't watch his crush hear or see him get crowned. He, Dream, didn't even know the boy was a prince and getting crowned today.

The prisoner threw little obsidian pebbles on the wall over and over again. I mean, what could he do in that 10 by 6 cell? Throw himself into lava? Sure, he had books and all but most of them are either filled with anger, sadness, unnecessary venting and (..simping...) one of them, a very special one, was written with words that could bring a person to life.

The Revive Book

As I was saying, he couldn't do much in there. Not at all! He had 3 walls of obsidian and crying obsidian and another wall made out of lava that disappears whenever someone is visiting him, which visits are now...non-existent.

Earlier that day, Dream was given 3 meals and was tolled by Sam, the warder of the prison, that the food would be all that he would be getting the whole of the day.

The prisoner was sceptical why he was given it all at once but nonetheless, he asked no questions. He just ate whatever he could stomach and left the rest to be eaten later on in the day.

Back in the castle, George still is in his room, awaiting for the time to head to the Kinoko church to get crowned.

Instead of distracting himself from all the anxiety he had by reading a book or something, he paced around his room.

Caelum | DreamXD x GeorgeNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now