Chapter 1:Losing to the True Lovers of gossip

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Have you guys ever seen in a situation where you can't spit and you can swallow? Or this deadly situation of walking down a divided road with a vicious dog on the left end and a dead end road on the right? it was a similar situation for me as I looked over to the man holding a red cookle box in his hand.

This fucking guy, he's laughing and he's so happy, his (eeth are showing He's actually not bad looking rounded up, and can barely call him a handsome man. The problem. is, you're twisting your back like a snake, telling everyone you're a pussy! He confessed to me with the face of a giant Man, how can you get me a gentlemanty Nadech-like man to say no?

"What do you think? Tine Teepagorn from Law School, I really do like you."

"Uh..." I turned my head to my good friends around me to send a distress signal, but... These actors, they were a hundred percent not here, and everyone pretended to be on the phone.

Did someone call you just now? I'd love to punch each of you in the face.

"So what..."

"What about that? Tine Teepakorn of the Law School' It's my name, not the Great Wall of China, no need to pronounce my name with such a long voice.

"We don't like boys, we likes girls.irumediately changed my personal pronouns

"It's okay, this feeling can be cultivated day after day." Shit, that's a good answer

"But I already have someone I like."


"None of your business." Given that i don't know whose name is better, and I didn't say hello to that person in advance, I had to casually firt with the owner of the cookie first, it seems like I'll have to find another girl's name.

A quick glance at the guys who look like they rew cheering on the national team, with want to know" gossip monger written all over their faces, is a perfect expression of how much they love their partners.

"No matter who you like, I'm perfectly capable of going head-to-head with them. Hoy crap, no matter how surprised I was in my heart, but not a word came out of my mouth and had to maintain my cool image

"Even though your ex's and previous crush was a faculty Star, but I can pry the corner as usual, I tell you, I'm pretty good." Who gave you that confidence?

"And even if that's the case, then..." I said hurriedly

Then think about it."

l'unlocked all the poses, and it's okay if you want to try the balcony pose!!!

"My exes all said I was super awesome.

Then why don't you go ahead and stay with your ex?"

"If I'm still with him, how's he an ex? A batch of fucks

"Tine Teepakom of the Law School, I fell in love with you at first sight, and I came just to tell you that I will always be in your sights."

"No... No need, right...

"When the day comes, you'll like me."

..:"Speechless all I could do was gag and be a robot who would only laugh awkwardly without emotion

"Oh! It is important to note that my name is Green and I am from the College of Humanities. I've had a crush on you since orientation, and you're especially cute when you played the freshmen games."

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! how about that?"

"He's so handsome, and even more so when he gets closer.

"So shy ah ah ah, >//<"

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