You take the egg and put it between you and your jacket, looking like a pregnant person now.

'Now it is time to look for a way back to the city. I hope this place has somehow good reception. Where is'

Checking every pocket you have, you can't seem to find the device.

'Don't tell me that I have lost it. Great. Just great.'

With a now píssed expression you head towards where you came from in hope that it really is the right way. Occasionally the egg moves.

After some wandering you finally hear the sound of driving cars and follow it.

'I managed to find my way back to Wyndon while the sun is still high up in the sky! I didn- What's going on with the egg?'

You open your jacket to look at the violently shaking egg. While it moves that way, small cracks form on the shell.

'Oh my god, is it hatching?! I am not ready for this.'

The cracks spread and when he egg falls apart it reveals a small Eevee. You and the newborn stare at each other for some time - it with a smile and you with a confused expression on the face.

'Aren't Eevees normally brown or something? You look like somebody emptied a bottle of bleach over you.'

The small being moves closer to you and cuddles up to you.

'Who cares, you are adorable. To make sure that you don't freeze I will give you my jacket and carry you around with it, alright?'

Eevee nods and doesn't protest when you wrap it up in the piece of clothing. Since the Rose Tower is the place where you are most likely successful in finding your phone, you head there first.

Inside it you ask the employee at the reception whether if a phone was found today.

'Yes indeed, it was laying on a table on the third floor. You can take the elevator to get there.'

'Thank you for your help!'

Having arrived on the desired floor you look around and try to remember in which rooms you were.

'Oh (Y/N), what a pleasant surprise to see you here!', a familiar voice calls out.

In the hallway to your left you see Leon who walks besides Mr. Rose. 'If I am not mistaken, you are one of the students who visited today. Did you come up with any questions?'

You scratch your head. 'Not the questions you probably hope for. One concerns my phone which I apparently lost on this floor and the other is about this Eevee.'

Leon searches for something in his pockets. 'Does your phone look like this perhaps?' He shows you a phone which you can clearly identify as your own.

'Yes, thank you!', you smile brightly as you take you device back.

Mr. Rose steps a bit closer and observes the Pokémon in your arms. 'What a rare Eevee you have there... What is wrong with it?'

'Well, first of all, its color; As far as I remember they are supposed to be brown. Another thing is that I found it as an unattended egg in the deepest part of the park nearby. What am I supposed to do with it?', you unwrap the newly born living being so that it is more visible.

The purple-haired male kneels down to the level of the Pokémon. 'In rare cases Pokémon are born in a different color than usual. Besides the visual effect they are no different than the normal ones. About your question what to do with it: Why don't you let it decide? You can put it on the ground and decide for itself where it wants to live. If it goes to nobody you can put it back where you found it.'

At almost the same moment when you put the silver Eevee on the ground, it jumps back on your arm and clings to it like a Komala to its piece of wood.

Mr. Rose chuckles. 'I guess that settles it. You probably have a kind heart considering that it already loves you so much. Maybe you could be a good trainer. Soon the Gym Challenge is going to take place...'

'My younger brother wants to take part in this year. If the two of you fought against each other I could evaluate if giving you an endorsement is possible.', Leon continues.

You hesitate. 'And what about school?'

'As far as I know summer vacations are in a week and this is the last year for you. Convincing your teacher shouldn't be all that hard.'

'This is a tempting offer...'

You look at your clinging friend. 'Eevee, what do you say?'

It nods smilingly.

'Alright, I accept that offer and will do my best!'

'Alright, I accept that offer and will do my best!'

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I hope you enjoyed reading and stay healthy!

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