Chapter 29

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(Pict.👆 Cr. to the owner)

The place felt nothing had happened there. It was silent and only the chirping of birds and the cadence of flowing water could be heard.

The first one to got back was Wei yang and Wei Yixing. They didn't find anything wrong and started to clean the roosters they hunt.

Some time later Wei Yifeng and Wei Yifan also came back with cleaned fish in hand. They waited for Lan Zhan to bring back fire wood to cook it. They thought Wei Ying went with him to help bring it.

After a while Lan Zhan came alone with a bundle of fire wood.

"Where is Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan asked the first thing he noticed.

The brothers stopped what they were doing and looked at him puzzled. "Didn't he come with you?"

"... No"

They became alerted. They searched around calling his name aloud. But they got no response.

Lan Zhan stood in front of the tree where the strange totem had been. He found traces of foot print leading there.

Seeing him searching around the tree Wei Yixing came to him. "What did you found A'Zhan?"

Lan Zhan pointed his finger to the foot print. Wei Yixing understood what he meant and called out others.

"The foot prints ends here. Where did he go from here?" Wei Yang asked confused.

"Did he go out to play? Or did he found something that caught his attention?" Wei Yifan asked himself.

Wei Yifeng shook his head. "No. Even if it is, he won't go far. And he would have here already." His voice took an anxious tone. "I think.... something might have happened to him while we were gone."

The obvious guess shocked everyone. They frantically called for him again with no result.

Lan Zhan stood there frozen. It's only been a few hours since they spoken out what was in their heart. It's only been a small time that they confirmed their feelings for each other. He couldn't even hug him for some more time. He couldn't even spend time with him. Yet now he disappeared?

The thought of something might have happen to his Wei Ying shook his core. His palpitation increased and his mind muddled with worry.

He tried to calm himself to telling that Wei Ying is fine. That he's strong and clever, so he won't be in any worse situation. That he is okay. But the growing time didn't lessen his worries. Panic arisen in his heart.

"Did your seclusion ended so soon Prince Lan Zhan?" A voice sounded from a distance.

Lan Zhan turned around hearing the familiar yet cold voice.

Six or seven men in white robes came towards them. The one who spoke led the others. Their appearance and bearings similar to Lan Zhan though different from him somehow.

Lan Zhan bowed his head slightly to show his respect. But if one could look in his heart the sense of anger can be found in them towards the person in front of him. He don't have time to deal with them now.

Lan Zixi asked again. "What are you doing here instead of cultivating? Did your father know that you ran away from your duties?" The condescending smile on his face ticked of Lan Zhan more.

Lan Zixi is the son of one of the elders in Gusu palace. He is older than Lan Zhan. He was a good brother to him when they were little but his upbringing changed his mind and now he hates Lan Zhan because of various reasons he found.

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