//Part 17\\ -Soulmates-

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You guys get to the store and get the test then go home
You take two test at first and saw it said positive
You take two again just to be sure.It said positive again
Mia&cleo:hey everything ok
You come out crying tears of joy
Y/n:I'm pregnant
Paddy and Jules come down laughing
You see how happy they are together and smile
You got dizzy and passed out on the floor
Jules:OMG Y/N
They pick you up and take you to the hospital
Paddy calls Tom
Tom:hey paddy what's up
Paddy:come to the hospital right now y/n is here
Tom:omg ok I'm on my way
You are asleep on the hospital bed but Jules wanted to cuddle up to you so she did
You wake up a few minutes later
Y/n:nobody tell Tom please I know I am in the hospital but I still want to surprise him
Jules:surprise him?
Y/n:yeah I'm pregnant
Paddy: OMG

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