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Y/n Pov:

I woke up by the bright sunlight hitting my face.I lifted my head to see Jake peacefully sleeping,the sunlight making his features more beautiful.I didn't notice that he was holding me in his arms and slept while sitting on the couch.
Y/n:"Omg"I got up carefully not to wake him up.I brought a blanket and pillow from my bedroom and adjusted it comfortably for him to sleep.He sleeps like a baby.
After taking a bath.I saw Jake sitting on the dining table with his laptop.
Jake:"Good morning"He said with a tired smile
Y/n:"Good morning Jake"I smiled back
Y/n:"Yesterday why didn't you wake me up"I said blushing.All the last night memories came to my mind
Jake:"Why would I?"He said confusingly
Y/n:"I mean...I slept all over you.You slept while sitting....You should have woke me up"This is so awkward
Why am I stuttering
Jake:"No.I had a good sleep"He said smiling
Y/n:"Still it must be uncomfortable for you"
Jake:"No Y/n...It was the best thing ever y'know."Now he was the one who was blushing and stuttering.I looked towards the kitchen counter while blushing.
Y/n:"I'm going to cook the food"
Jake:"Can I use the bathroom"
Y/n:"Of course"He noded and went towards his bag to get new pair of clothes.

*After a while*

I prepared Egg Sandwich with banana shake.Jake came and helped me with settling in on the table.We sat next to each other.

Jake:"It tastes good"
Y/n"Thank you...Do you like egg sandwich"
Jake:"Yes.I do"He smiled brightly
Y/n:"What are we going to do now"
Jake:"What do you mean Y/n"
Y/n:"We have to do something to free you from the government"
Jake:"Y/n there is no way I'm discussing this with you"
Jake:"You are not allowed to get involved in this"
Y/n:"No Jake we'll fight this together no matter what"He placed his hand on mine squishing it gently
Y/n:"You have to tell me why is the government after you"He hesitated a bit before speaking
Jake:"When Hannah disappeared I was looking for clues and I got an idea that I should check the files of the case first...So I hacked through Duskwood's police computer and while searching for Hannah's case file.I found a file containing all the corrupted information about this Minister and Alan was involved in this too.They found out that someone had opened through the files and started looking for me.Although they don't have all the information about me but I can't risk it."
Y/n:"Jake!!!!"I said excitedly
Y/n:"You know that...this Minister is corrupted and he is trying to hide his dirty politics"
Jake:"Yes Y/n?"
Y/n:"What if we expose him? He's just a minister and he's ordering the people working under him to catch you but there are parties against him too.If we handle these files to the opposite party,he may get arrested for his misdeeds."
Jake:"That is a great idea Y/n"
Y/n:"And before handling them the files we'll ask them to free you from this chase game.We'll explain them everything and ask them to ensure that you won't get into any trouble because of this."
Jake:"We can definitely do that"Now he had this excited and relieved look on face
Jake:"I'm going to mail the higher officials that I have corrupted file of this politician and he's been doing a lot of dirty things behind the scenes involving a lot of people working under him"
Y/n:"Sounds great,Jake"
He mailed this to the press as well as the opposite party with his anonymous I'd.
Y/n:"Are they going to believe this?"I asked him nervously
Jake:"They certainly will.Opposite parties always look for something that may help them bring the opponent down and press always looks for some tea"He said while looking into my eyes, smiling a bit
I gave him a relieved look.
Jake:"Thank you Y/n"
Y/n:"I want something in return"I said in a low voice looking down
Jake:"What is it,Y/n"
Y/n"After everything is over...I want to go to Duskwood with you to meet everyone"
Jake:"If that is what you want then Sure"
I jumped with all the excitement while Jake chuckled at my reaction

Thank you for all the votes(。ノω\。)<3

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