when aizawa returned home he was shocked to see it quiet and empty. every single school had been shut down until further notice so he knew you guys weren't there. he pulled his phone out and called you.

dialing.... 'the mrs <33'

of course, you didn't answer. deciding that you were busy, aizawa started to prepare dinner. the least he could do is make sure that you all came home to a cooked meal for once, just like you always did for him whenever he came home.

it was one of the things he appreciated most from you. you did it while working, pregnant, taking care of kids- no matter what when he came home there was a hot meal on the table.

seeing that there was some thawed chicken in the sink he chose to make katsu, it was easy and everyone could enjoy it without picking out any disliked ingredients like vegetables.

on the side could he made a pot of rice and a small salad. it's been a while since he's actually cooked an entire meal, he was quite proud of it, he just hoped you liked it.

once he finished, he sat on the couch and scrolled through the television channels looking for something to occupy his time until you all got home.

half an hour late the front door was opened and three of you walked in. in one arm was kai on your hip and his face on your shoulder. in the another was a backpack and phone.

"ma- i'm being so serious right now! i looked away to fix yanna's shirt for two seconds and this boy is jumping off the play structure." your mom dramatically gasped over the phone.

of course, right as you were leaving the park kai had decided he wanted to play superman and jump off the playground. lucky, he landed on his feet and only scrapped his knee when he toppled over in on the bark. but because it was so far up he was a bit sore.

"oh lord, is my grand baby okay!? did he break or hurt anything?" she sounded more hysterical than you did at the park.

"mom he's fine, only a scraped knee-" you looked up and into the living room to see an unfamiliar sight of shouta on the couch and the smell of food in the kitchen. "hey, shouta's home so i'll call you back mom."

she smacked her teeth (not the biggest shouta fan as of now) and hung up after saying an i love you.

aiyanna, per usual ran into the living room to great her father, "papa! you're finally back!" he opened his arms to her and she wasn't shy to run into them, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"aiyanna, stop running in the house... am i smelling take out?" you put your bag down and walked into the family room.

"no, i cooked. katsu and rice." your eyes widened and jaw dropped, even though you were pissed off at him you always loved his cooking.

"okay, i'll the get kids a plate."

shouta stood up and held a hand out to yanna, "come on princess, let's go wash our hands." while they cleaned up, you attended to a quiet kai.

"what's wrong bubba?" you sat him on the counter and he shook his head, "does your leg still hurt?" he shook his head again, "are you hungry?" he nodded but, it seemed like there was more. he always got quiet when upset.

"are you.... tired?"

"yes." that made sense, he could be a drama king when he's tired, he got that from his father. you nodded and turned his body so he could wash his hands in the sink, "me too, how about we eat and go to sleep?" and to think you had to be worried.

eventually shouta and yanna came back to the dining room and you all ate dinner together. not long after the food was gone and the kitchen was cleaned you guys headed to bed.

after tucking in the kids you yawned as you sat on the end of your bed scrolling through your phone, waiting for your boss to text you. the door opened and you gazed your eyes to see shouta with a towel on his shoulders and sweats that hung dangerously low.

"how that boy shinso? i know you've been training him all year." he could hear the bitterness in your tone.

"he's fine, decided to stay on campus to continue training on his own when i can't assist him." you hummed at his response, you've met him a few times, the kids liked him. you were just upset he got more of aizawa's time than his own children.

he sat on the bed and you looked at him weird, confusing him, "what's wrong?"

"what are you doing...?" you trailed

"about to go to sleep." he said in a duh tone, laying on his back.

"i see that. but you're sleeping on the couch. you don't get to be flaky and come sleep in a bed with me." you said matter of factly.

"(y/n), i understand that i've been real shitty but, i'm not sleeping on that couch. this is still our bed. i'm sleeping in it." you crossed your arms and stared him down, daring him to stay. he sighed and stood up making sure to grab himself a pillow.

you'd probably strangle him in his sleep if he stayed. and he was not about to risk his life to sleep in this bed.

"goodnight dear." he grumbled and walked to the couch.

(a/n: i'm changing yn's quirk, it's now : IQ, the ability to steal someone's iq points for a period of time and use it for themselves

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(a/n: i'm changing yn's quirk, it's now : IQ, the ability to steal someone's iq points for a period of time and use it for themselves.)

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