Chapter 4: Moving On

Start from the beginning

By the first week of June, you'd found Diagon Alley and managed to exchange currency at Gringotts, acquiring some wizard money. The value system was a pain but you'd manage. Now all you had to do was make a trip to Hogwarts... once you found out where you were going.

One particularly nice, old lady that you met in Diagon Alley had been particularly helpful. You'd approached the woman, asking, "This might be an odd question but... could you please tell me how I can get to Hogwarts?"

She narrowed her eyes at you and questioned you in return. "Shouldn't you know? Every wizard here knows."

"Um... I'm from America?"

"Ah. Ilvermorny, I presume?"

You had no clue what that was but said, "Yes," which seemed to be a satisfying enough response for her.

"Well dear, the students should be returning for their summer break next week. After which, the train will be returning to Hogwarts for the teachers to depart. You could travel back then," she said. You thanked her and were about to make your way when she called out to you. "You might want to go get your ticket right now, lovely. Go to the counter that says 'out of order' at King's Cross, and knock on the window a couple of times till someone approaches you. Ask for a ticket for platform nine and three quarters," she said, making her way down the alley as you tried to process all the steps. As you slowly registered everything she said, a confused look settled over your face. "Did you say platform nine and-" you looked up and around but she was nowhere to be found.

Still confused, you made your way to King's Cross station and followed the woman's instructions to a T. Sure enough, an older man had shown up and handed you a fancy ticket with gold lettering that said Platform 9¾. 

"I guess I'd be more surprised if it was normal," you mumbled to yourself, making your way back to the Leaky Cauldron, where you were now staying. 


The following week, you went to the train station a little earlier than required, to find the platform. After a while, a bunch of kids crossed you and you made your way in the direction that they were coming from. 

'I feel like I should've seen this coming. It's brilliant,' you thought as you smiled at the sight. The students were coming out of a pillar in between platforms nine and ten. 

As the rush decreased, you ran through, praying no one was coming from the other side. Thankfully, no one did. You hopped on board the train and had no trouble finding an empty coach. 

"Guess people only travel back from Hogwarts at this time," you said, setting your backpack down on the seat. You took out Tony's glasses, deciding to check its functions while you waited for the train to depart. You were in the middle of going through Tadashi's abilities when the train conductor knocked on your coach door, drawing your attention to him. You looked up at him and asked, "Yes?" 

"Are you all right there? You might wanna get off before we leave with you again."

"Oh. I'm actually going to Hogwarts," you smiled.

"Do you have a ticket?" He looked a little surprised and you realised that maybe no one ever travels on the way back. You rummaged through your bag, finding the ticket and holding it out to him. He took it from you and inspected it before handing it back to you. 

"Well alright, then. I just thought I'd make sure. You looked a little dazed there. Just staring off into space."

"Oh," you realised that you probably looked odd to the man and were just glad that you hadn't been talking to Tadashi when the man entered. He left you be and you decided to hold a book to avoid a repeat of the previous incident. Around 7 p.m., the train left King's Cross and you utilised the whole ride to make a small dent in the vast range of Tadashi's abilities. Arriving at Hogsmeade station at 2 a.m., you realised your first task would be finding a place to stay the night. 

As you walked the streets, you noticed that the streets were dimly lit and empty, with very few people in sight. The ones who did lurk around at that time, looked too dodgy for you to ask them for any assistance. You finally stumbled upon a building called 'The Three Broomsticks Inn' and saw a woman inside, cleaning tables. You knocked on the window, getting her attention. She opened the door shortly and nearly scolded you, "What's a young girl like you doing out this late? Get in here!" 

You rushed in, not daring to argue or talk back. The woman had given you a place for the night, and you were thankful for it. You placed your bag on one of the tables and finally spoke. "Thank you for that. I was looking for a place to stay," you said, giving her a grateful smile. 

"What were you doing out so late, lovely?" She asked, sounding worried but cautious. 

"Well, I took the Hogwarts Express back and it dropped me off at the station about half an hour ago," you replied. "And I'm new here. I'm from the US, you see..."

"Oh. Well, welcome to The Three Broomsticks. The tavern and inn with the best butterbeer," she smiled proudly and you assumed she was the owner. 

"Well I lucked out, didn't I? I was hoping to find a place to stay," you returned her smile.

"Let's get you a room, dear," she mumbled as she walked off, and you followed. "I'm Madam Rosmerta, and you?"

"[Y/N]. It's nice to meet you."

A/N: What do we think about the name "Shadow Witch"? I'm open to suggestions. Just keep in mind that the way Wanda's powers have a bright, red aura, [Y/N]'s has a dark, black one. Also, If you've stuck through these four chapters, thank you lol. I understand that not a lot was happening but it was necessary for some understanding of [Y/N]'s bond with the Avengers :)

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