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*~* TW: description of serious bodily harm/blood*~*

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*~* TW: description of serious bodily harm/blood*~*


It had been three days since Adelaide and Charlie made it to the Romanian Dragon sanctuary. Just as promised, she had written Sirius a letter each day so far. Other than working towards getting over her new fear of dragons, Adelaide was enjoying herself.

Charlie's friends at the sanctuary were nice and friendly enough that Adelaide felt comfortable. It was already four in the afternoon, and both Charlie and Adelaide had already met with two foreign wizards in the morning.

The first one, Jian, came from China. He was an older gentleman, and his beard was as white and long, if not more so, than Dumbledore's. Charlie bet Adelaide five sickles that he was younger than their old headmaster, but Adelaide quickly brushed his teasing off to the side. She did not want Jian hearing and letting Charlie's childish antics affect his sway towards joining The Order.

They discussed the efforts they would want to begin taking against the Dark Lord over tea, and Adelaide -surprisingly so- did most of the talking. She knew she would have to discuss with Dumbledore having a larger role in the Order. She was skilled at many different things – and if Dumbledore truly wanted assistance all over the world, including America, she would want to be a part of it.

The second person was a witch by the name Marla. She was a Romanian native and had ties to a powerful family – the van Huttons'. Charlie had heard of them, but Adelaide was in the dark about the power Marla's family held. Marla took much more convincing than Jian and by the time she left Charlie's cabin, Adelaide was reaching into the back of his icebox and plucking out the bottle of firewhiskey.

"This early, Ads?" Charlie chuckled from his spot on the couch, glancing over his shoulder as he watched the small blonde grab two tumblers and pad her way back to the couch.

"She was a handful. And quite intimidating." Adelaide admitted sheepishly, chewing on the inside of her cheek for a moment as though she was lost in thought. She held the glasses and bottle in her lap for a moment before she seemed to snap out of the spell, setting the glasses down and pouring them bot hefty amounts of the amber liquor before knocking it back before Charlie even took his glass from her grasp.

"Godric, Adelaide, slow down." Charlie guffawed with wide eyes as he watched the healer lean back with her own eyes falling shut.

"What if we lose?"

Charlie raised a brow. "What?"

"You heard me." Adelaide kept her eyes shut for another moment before turning her head to look at the redhead sitting beside her.

"What if we lose? What if I die? What if h-he who shall not be named is the one to kill me? Or you? Or-or Sirius...my parents..."

Charlie set the full glass of liquor down and reached over to grab Adelaide's hand. He squeezed her hand tightly and shook his head. "You cannot think like that. It's only going to weigh you down. At first it will just be mentally taxing. But soon... it will start to affect you physically."

Wildfire {Charlie Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now