Chapter VIII: Playing Hero

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The final matches of the UA Sports Festival were underway. With his victory over Iida, Todoroki had successfully secured his spot in the finals. Now it was time to decide who would stand against him: (F/N) (L/N) or Katsuki Bakugou. Small firecrackers popped in Bakugou's hands as he ascended the stairs to the arena, ready and eager to start the match, a stark contrast to (L/N)'s entrance. His footsteps were heavy, almost sluggish, and his skin shone a sickly pale beneath the light of the sun. Quite frankly, it looked like he was just one strong gust of wind away from being knocked unconscious.

"Are you ready sports fans?" Present Mic's voice boomed from the many speakers around the stadium. "We're just about to press play on the final song of this chart-toppin' album, but first we gotta see which one of these two DJ's is gonna be sharin' the lead in the next match. He's climbed his way to the semifinals with his explosive determination, from Class 1A's hero course, it's Katuski Bakugou!"

"Listen up blindfold!" Bakugou shouted menacingly. "I know you've been holdin' back this entire time, and everyone else knows it too. I want you to show everyone what you can really do. That way when I beat you, no one will question whether or not I'm stronger! You got that? You better not hold back!"  

"And also from Class 1A, he's astounded everyone with his incredible shows of power, and now he's back to dazzle you again with another legendary light show, it's (F/N) (L/N)!"

"Contestants ready?" Midnight asked from her podium, looking between the two students.

Bakugou was itching to start. If that damned teacher would just lift her stupid hand already and cut them loose.


No sooner had the word passed her lips did he jump into action, launching himself forwards with an earsplitting explosion. The audience must think him a fool, rushing someone like (L/N) head on. But he would show them just how powerful he was. He kept his eyes peeled for the slightest of disturbances, and sure enough he spotted it. Like a feint heat mirage, the air distorting in front of him. Aiming one of his hands at the ground, he launched himself over the barrier, maneuvering himself so he was now looking at (L/N)'s back. Another shield, this one too close to dodge but it didn't matter. Adding some heat to his punch, his fist shattered through the barrier like punching through a glass window and his knuckles collided with (L/N)'s jaw.

"What an explosive first blow!"

Bakugou angrily stared down (L/N) as he got back on his feet. Aiming his hands backwards, he once again used his quirk to quickly cover the distance between them. Another barrier popped up between them, and Bakugou once again used his quirk to change direction. The process repeated itself, (L/N) erecting walls between them while Bakugou either avoided them or broke them to pieces. It wasn't much, but the small amount of time it took for Katsuki to smash through one of the constructs gave (L/N) the opportunity to maneuver out of the way of the following attack. And on it went, (L/N) just barely managing to keep one step as Bakugou flew circles around him.

Katsuki Bakugou was hotheaded, yes. Arrogant and overconfident and perhaps even a bit conceited. But he wasn't so egotistical that he couldn't recognize his opponent's strength. He didn't know exactly how powerful (L/N) was, but he knew the strength and versatility of his quirk far surpassed his own. That didn't scare Bakugou though. No, to Bakugou it just meant that it would be all the more fun to put him down. He had been looking forward to a challenge. To see what this blind bastard could do. But it was just wall after wall, each one as flimsy as tissue paper. This was not what he wanted. This was not a challenge.

"Stop screwing around!" He shouted as he punched through another construct with the sound of shattering glass.

The way (L/N) lazily avoided his attack with a simple sidestep infuriated him. Any openings Bakugou managed to find were quickly closed by his damned quirk and any chance to attack was snuffed out, all the while (L/N) did nothing more than place one feeble blockade between them. He was starting to get angry. Was this constant cat and mouse a strategy given to him by that damn nerd, or was (L/N) simply mocking him? Perhaps he thought he wasn't worthy of any real effort. He would soon prove him wrong. He would make him use his full power, even if he had to beat it out of him.

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