Milkshakes and Midnight Walks

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Jon laughed as the force of the wind pushed his hair back. Damian was on his back and they were running at super speed across the city. They were done patrol for the night and Jon was determined to get milkshakes before his curfew hit.

"Slow down idiot!" Damian yelled as he clung to Jon for dear life, face buried in Superboy's neck as to avoid whiplash.

Jon slowed his running pace a little so he wouldn't hurt the small boy on his back.

"Sorry Dami" Jon said, a lighthearted tone still in his voice.

They arrived at the McDonald's drive through and Jon stopped at the order speaker.

"Welcome to McDonald's, what can I get for you?" A tired sounding monotone voice said from the speaker

"Two milkshakes please! One chocolate and one vanilla"

The monotone voice told them their total and they pulled up to the next window. The first few times they had gone through the drive through on foot the employees were hesitant to serve them, but they eventually let it slide when Damian and Jon kept making car noises until they agreed to serve them.

Damian still had his head on Jon's shoulder as they pulled through the window. Jon looked at Dami and held out his hand. Damian sighed and pulled his credit card out, handing it to Jon so he could pay for the milkshakes.

Once they both had their shakes, they walked around the dark-ish city. The world definitely looked different with only artificial light to illuminate it, though it had some sort of magic, surreal feel to it.

The two boys eventually made their way to a park and sat down on the grass with their milkshakes.

"Don't you have a curfew to make?" Damian asked

"I got a good 10 minutes before I gotta get back" Jon replied.

"Thanks to my super speed we made good time" he grinned and gave Damian a wink, which he immediately regretted when Damian quickly turned his head away to look at the grass.

The boys slipped into a somewhat awkward silence after that. Damian absentmindedly poked at his milkshake. Awkward silences like these were becoming a common occurrence between the teens. Jon would accidentally say or do something a little too flirtatious towards his best friend and Damian in return would go all quiet and avoid looking at him for a few minutes or until something broke the silence.

This was an obvious sign that Damian liked him, Jon wasn't that stupid. Ok, Dick may have also told Jon that he was certain Dami liked him. Big brother knowledge, ya know?

The more Jon watched Damian poke at his milkshake and take small, short sips when it got to melty, the more he just wanted to go for it.

But what if Damian didn't actually like him and was just uncomfortable? What if he did like him but didn't feel prepared for a relationship, or felt like Jon was forcing him to do something he didn't want to do?

Jon took a deep breath. Just do it he told himself what's the worst that could happen?

He slowly reached for Dami's wrist, not really sure how to go at this. Damian's head snapped up but he didn't pull his arm away, that was a good sign.

"You wanna- maybe... maybe we could go out sometime?" Jon mumbled in an almost whisper, voice almost cracking.

"Like- like a... date?" He said a bit louder this time

Jon let go of his wrist and it felt like a million years had passed before Damian even opened his mouth to answer

"Sure" Damian finally replied, voice completely casual. He went back to picking at his drink that was almost completely melted by now.

"Wow, uh, cool. I mean, sounds good" Jon managed to get out, a wide smile rapidly spreading across his face. Damian smiled too, just a small one, but it was still a smile.

"Oh crap I seriously need to get home." Jon stood up, looking at the time.

"You want a ride back home?"

Damian nodded and stood up as well, throwing his remaining milkshake in a nearby garbage can.

The supersons flew to Wayne manor in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence, just a nice, quiet, peaceful kind of silence.

Jon dropped Dami off through his bedroom window, setting his feet gently on the ground.

The half-kryptonion leaned on the windowsill to say bye to the pretty boy now on the other side

"I'll text you tomorrow then" Jon smiled softly

"Goodnight" he started to float away from the window when he felt two warm hands pull him back. Damian pulled him into a tight hug.

"Damian wha-?"

"Shut up" He mumbled, sounding flustered at his own actions

Jon just accepted it and hugged Damian back. This was a rare opportunity that he couldn't pass up.

Damian abruptly broke from the hug and shooed Jon out the window.

"Get out already alien, I'll text you later" he turned away and walked into his room, leaving a smiling Jon at the window, the happiest boy in the world.

whoa I uuuuuuupdated, how weird is thaaaaat. I'm sorry if this was cringe I wrote it in the middle of the night while i was camping and i couldn't sleep so........

anyways, i have a few half written oneshots that i need to get finished and posted, but I'm also thinking of taking requests (nothing smutty tho) so i might do an update about that in the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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