Chapter 11

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"This is where I found you," said Rajhani, standing near the water line on Strims Beach, the remains of waves headed back out to sea lapping over her feet as she spoke. "Your bow and quiver were over there," she said, pointing to a log ten feet away that looked like it had washed up onto the beach ages ago. Moss blanketed the top of it and time and sand had worn the bottom half to a smooth finish.

"The most often told legend goes that Thalassa lost her daughter during a battle," Yaalon looked out over the water as he spoke, sliding his knife into its sheath. "She was a fierce warrior, but kind, the leader of the Zaryans. She ruled alone. No partner ever sat next to her. Just an empty throne. No one knows who the father of her daughter was."

"How did her daughter die?" asked Agnez.

"An arrow, according to the story. She was very young, just a little girl. Killed by the Ceasixus. They were fighting for land. Thalassa wanted to expand her territory. She failed. The Ceasixus burned the Zaryan village to the ground and killed everyone they caught. To this day they claim that their ancestors killed Thalassa but the Euryfera have never believed it. We know that she is still out there, offering help to those in need."

Agnez wondered why Yaalon still used we when he talked about the Euryfera. Did he still think of himself as a part of the tribe?

"How do you fight a battle underwater?" she asked.

"The Zaryans didn't always live in the ocean. There are supposed to be great domes that were constructed by them as a safe haven somewhere off the coast of Iyhiri. After her daughter died, Thalassa fled to them with her people. That's where they've stayed ever since. I guess the Ceasixus left them alone because the domes are no use to them and difficult to get to, if the Ceasixus even know where they are."

"Are there any legends that paint Thalassa as someone who harms others?" Agnez asked.

"Not that I've heard, at least not after the battle lost to the Ceasixus" replied Yaalon. "She's always said to be a helper, kind to others. But then, they're just stories and all of this would have happened many, many years ago. Long before my parents or their parents were born. So who knows."

Rajhani was walking by the water line with Rockdog, dipping her toes in the wash of the waves. She was moving slowly but seemed steady on her feet. The salve had eased her burns and scratches. They would heal faster if the village Healer had been there to help, but they would still heal. Yaalon seemed to be well-versed in treating burns. The bruises just needed time. The sun shone down brightly as Agnez watched her sister and she felt sweat trickle down her neck and onto her back.

"So how do we find this Thalassa?" Agnez asked, still watching Rajhani.

"I'm not sure," Yaalon replied, turning to look at her.

 "Why don't you just swim out there and see?" asked Rajhani, looking over at them from the water.

Yaalon looked out toward the horizon. "I don't know how far out the domes are, or even if they're off this part of the island. Or if they even exist."

"Only one way to find out," said Agnez teasingly. "We'll stay here with the wolf. You find out what's going on out there." Hands on her hips, she tossed her head toward the ocean as she spoke.

Yaalon turned away to hide the smile starting to take over his lips, looked at Rockdog, pulled off his coat, and set it down in the sand. "Stay, pup." Rockdog walked up to the coat and laid down, resting his face on the furry pelt. With only his pants on, roughly sewn from what looked to be deer hide, Agnez was able to see the scarring that covered Yaalon's back. Long ago blisters that must have been excruciating to endure. Yaalon walked out into the cold water and when it was chest deep, he disappeared beneath the surface.

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