After Darryl and Zak left Tubbo ended up leaving to his borrowed bedroom to edit some footage for his blog, while Tommy browsed Twitter. He wasn't really paying much attention until he saw his name linked with a familiar video. It was of himself and Tubbo when they were messing with the Ouija Board. Reading what the hype was all about the blonde nearly dropped his phone in surprise. It was on the news?! Reading quickly now Tommy scanned his eyes across the attached article.

"Corporate leader and political head, Mr. J. Schlatt, commonly referred to as Schlatt, was the last one seen at Mr. Watson's residence the night of September 13th. Later that night a fire was reported at the residence and all three occupants were deceased on site. While investigators ruled the fire was an accident, many wonder how could three men could have all succumbed to the fire. J. Schlatt own biological son, Wilbur Watson, was on of the three deceased men in the Watson's residence along side his adoptive father Phil Watson, and adopted brother Dave Watson. Investigators discovered Mrs. Schlatt ran away from her home to secretly give birth to Wilbur and gave custody to an elderly couple unaware that Mrs. Schlatt is mentally unsound with extreme paranoia. After returning home Mrs. Schlatt was diagnosed and treated medically, however the location of Wilbur Watson was not discovered until 16 years later. Mrs. Schlatt had been secretly visiting Wilbur at Harrison's Adoption for Children, and Mr. Schlatt had discovered her outings. However, Mr. Phil Watson had legally adopted Wilbur and Dave Watson just prior to his discovery. Despite this Mr. Watson allowed Wilbur's biological father visitation, and was openly supportive of their relationship.

After the tragic death's of the Watson family Mr. Schlatt was spotted by eyewitness drunklike being ushered in a patrol officer Eret Alastair only minutes before the fire was reported. While there's no physical evidence placing Mr. Schlatt and Mr. Alastair together the night of the fire, rumors of Mr. J. Schlatt's temperamental behavior causes reason for suspicion. When confronting Mr. Schlatt's rumored temper reporters were dismissed. Political rival Mr. Anderson claims Schlatt is inappropriate and ill-tempered with a heavy drinking problem." The article only continued with the rivalry between the two political figures so he stopped reading.

After reading so much it felt like Tommy's head was going to burst. The article didn't even mention his video, only used it to bring up the past. With some more digging on the web the blonde was able to deduce whoever this Mr. Anderson is was just using Wilbur and the video to dig up a past that looked bad for Schlatt. Though... Tommy remembered Darryl mentioning Schlatt. That he wanted this property demolished. He had no idea this man was Wilbur's biological father! Normally Tommy didn't pay attention to politics much, but he recognized the name now. Some dude who donated a lot to charities and promoted local businesses. Something else bothered Tommy in the back of his mind, like a distant memory, but he couldn't quite recall what it might be.

"Eyewitness of being spotted with an officer, rumored anger and drinking issues, the last one seen at this house, and wanting it torn down?" Tommy murmured to himself with a worried frown. It certainly did paint an ugly picture, though what was missing would be a motive. Why would anyone cause their own son's death? Especially after having him missing for 16 years. Maybe it really was this so called rival blowing things up. Tommy certainly couldn't make sense of it.

Phil frowned at Tommy, it was like he could hear his son's thoughts. The eldest ghost had been noticing strange things between the two of them, and has yet to bring it up with Wilbur nor Techno. It was like a mental bond. Ever since he accidently possessed Tommy the two of them were linked in a way. Phil's memories in Tommy's dream's and the odd attachment to Phil's hat was all due to Phil's own emotions. Sometimes the older blonde wouldn't even realize what he was doing and wake up in a haze with Tommy just as confused. Then there was the concern how much stronger all the ghost's have become. Phil remembered a time just even trying to pick something up was exhausting. Now it was as easy as lifting a feather.

"You good? You've been sighing pretty heavily Phil." Techno's voice startled Phil out of his worried thoughts and he quickly flashed a reassuring smile to his eldest son. Though Techno could see it was forced.

"Yeah mate, just thinking about how nice it is to do stuff." Phil tried acting casually as to not worry the pink haired man. As much as Phil trusted Techno with heavier topics, he still is his father and wanted the best for him. He feared Techno would stress about his problems and become fixated on helping. Phil couldn't have that.

"If you're sure..." Techno frowned but as if just remembering something his poster shifted to lean closer to Phil, keeping his voice low. "Hey have you notice how Wilbur is really good at interacting with objects now?" The brute of the man wasn't jealous by any means, but it was still surprising how quickly Wilbur in particular has mastered moving objects now.

"You noticed too? Actually that doesn't surprise me that you noticed..." Phil sighed softly as Techno smirked, "I think we all might be getting better at being... well ghosts I suppose. Have you noticed any changes?" Phil avoided talking about himself quickly and Techno failed to notice, and instead answered the question.

"Yeah actually. I think I've manifested a few times." Upon seeing Phil's confused look Techno explained further, "Like the other day Tommy caught a glimpse of me. I'm nearly certain he saw me for a moment. Another time some birds few away startled while I was relaxing on the roof. Nothing seemed to have caused it so I was wondering if it was me." When Techno finished explaining Phil looked both excited for his son, but this also worried him even more. They really were getting to be more... Powerful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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